Again, this time two of them, were weeks ago reported to have sneaked out of the country, and a relative who has since been dispatched to bring them back “as quickly as possible”, has returned with the children, sources say.
Speaking to The Standard on the issue, a relative JJ said: “I am happy they have returned home. I warned D not to go again. If O wants to, let him go alone but I will make sure D stays put for good this time around.
A mother of one of the children said: “Thank God they both returned in one piece. I am taking my child to go live with his Father in Brufut. Enough is enough.”
When told it is rumoured that it is mothers who fund such trips for their children, the woman farmer retorted: “I am a Muslim and true human being. I do not engage in things that bring havoc. I love my children and will never do anything detrimental to their well-being. When things like this happen, people say all sorts of things. I do not have time listen to those unfounded rumours. My child returns and I must pay attention to him now.”