25.2 C
City of Banjul
Friday, October 18, 2024


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After many years of struggle by the youths of Brufut to take ownership of the strip of land in front of the Brufut Heights for use as a sports complex, Government has now agreed to give the land to town.  

President Adama Barrow on Monday announced in Jambur that the land is now given back to the town’s Village Development Committee (VDC)  with all its paperwork,  adding that he himself will pay for its leasing to the community.

The land, locally called Strasser, is primely located in front of the luxurious Brufut Heights and has been used as an unofficial football field by the youths who have tirelessly worked to secure it from both the  Jammeh and Barrow regimes.

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United under the VDC, the youths formed  various committees from Unity to Recovery supported by its diaspora,  and  mounted a massive campaign of defiance and  persistence to mobilise funds to fence off the entire field they called Brufut Multi Purpose Center, BMC.

Confirming the development, the Minister of Information Ebrima Sillah, who has been in  the thick of a protracted negotiation between the youths and government, said  an agreement has been reached where by a portion of the land would be used as theatre or head office of the National Center For Arts and Culture and the rest be given to the village.” I think this is a major achievement for the youths and a demonstration of President Barrow’s interest in the welfare of the youths of this country.”

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