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City of Banjul
Saturday, July 27, 2024

In praise of Momodou Turo Darboe

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I read in your newspaper the article ‘Majority leader lauds Turo Darboe’s initiatives’ with keen interest and I would like to add my voice in being appreciative of Mr Darboe’s fantastic works.  I have never met the man but from what I have been reading about him in your newspaper during the past few months, he is a wonderful Gambian. According to your reports, he has refurbished many roads and constructed about seven others. His developmental ideas are positively affecting the masses. From education to health, Ramadan to Tobaski and communal activities all over the Greater Banjul Area. I hear he has even sponsored students to attend the University of The Gambia some of whom have graduated and are now contributing their quotas to national development. Darboe, is the ‘man of the moment’ today. He is living the mission and vision of the APRC and the president of the republic. I hear he even pays the rent for some needy people! I know government is aware of his nationalistic contributions but I think he deserves a ‘medal of merit’ which could be awarded to people like him who do not wait on government to be doing everything. Frankly, if all well-to-do Gambians emulate him, the country will be poverty-free. May Allah grant him good life.


Sang Gomez

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Faji Kunda


Re: Getting tough on gays and drugs

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Dear editor,


I agree with the statements by Mr Momodou Sabally and President Jammeh as reported in your newspaper of Monday, June 16. The twin-evils of drug trafficking and abuse and homosexuality should be neutralised.  

I appreciate the no-tolerance stance that the government has adopted on these vices, lest they destroy our country as they have destroyed other nations before The Gambia. I know that despite all the anti-narcotic laws that have been passed by our assembly, and all the arrests and seizures that have been made over the years, there has not been any evidence of a reduction in the use, trafficking and distribution of drugs in The Gambia. We even had police chiefs, anti-narcotic bosses and army officials sent to jail for drug-related offences.

Young people are usually caught with small quantities of drugs for either consumption or petty dealing. This is the reason why I like the Kofi Annan Commission on Drugs report published in your paper this week. It is time we review the issue of drugs in West Africa and come up with alternatives to the existing legislations that haven’t help curb the menace; only exacerbating it.

Could we think of other forms of punishment for small time users and marketers that will for example, help advance social inclusion of the victims, while creating legitimate businesses for cultivators and marketers, as well as medically-diagnosed patients?  The other aspects can still be punishable through community services, like farming for example, or giving the victims some forms of skills.

Coming to homosexuality, has anyone seen a homosexual in the country? I really want to see one. So help me out and show me who is gay or lesbian in The Gambia? 


Lamin Dibba



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