It came after the institution re-appeared before the committee to answer to questions regarding some issues that have left the institution on the brink of ethical damage. The lawmakers raised concerns over the appointment into office of the executive secretary, the acting executive secretary and overseer of the secretariat ‘without any legal procedure’. The executive secretary in question had served in that post for two years. Justice Minister, Mama Fatima Singhateh while responding to questions from the lawmakers on the case of Charles Thomas who passed as the overseer of the secretariat commented: “Mr Thomas is the most senior individual lawyer on ground at the moment and he held administrative positions though he doesn’t get the qualifications to hold the position of an executive secretary.”
She said it is the president who appoints the executive secretary of the secretariat in consultation with whosoever is in charge.“The removal of the former executive secretary [Mr Dahaba] was through an intimation made to the president that he didn’t suit the position which led to his removal,” she said. She further stated that the acting executive secretary is on a sick leave and will resume in early next month. Meanwhile, the adoption of the institution’s report has been put off pending the reappearance of the Justice Minister and officials of the secretariat for further clarification.