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Friday, March 14, 2025

Papa Serign Muhammadou Kabir Kah 1926 – 2018 Khalifa General of Mam Mass Kah, Medina Serign Mass, North Bank Region, The Gambia

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Untitled 37

By Prof Muhammadou MO Kah

Inna lilahi wa inna elaihi raaji houn. May Allah SWT grant Papa Serign Muhammadou Kabir Kah Jannatul Fridaus.
We convey our condolences to The Gambia, SeneGambia, the Diaspora and beyond!
This is indeed an extremely sad day for me and the entire Mam Mass Kah Family, the Senegambia and beyond! Our father, khalifa general and patriarch of our family, Serign Muhammadou Kabir Kah has indeed completed his mission here and has departed to the hereafter.
Our father and khalifa general, Serign Muhammadou Kabir Kah was indeed blessed with the gift of purity of heart, integrity, simplicity, deep faith and submission to Allah SWT. He had an unparalleled love for the Prophet Muhammed (SAW). He loved his grandfather, Serign Mam Mass Kah and modeled and lived his life emulating his ideals, values, character and mission.

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Papa Serign Muhammadou Kabir was an erudite and brilliant Islamic scholar who was a thought leader with a beautiful and gentle mind, full of wisdom and enlightenment. He comes from the lineage of Mam Mass Kah, Maba Jahou Bah, Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba and Cheikh El-hadj Malick Sy. He was the son of Mam Alieu Mass Kah (son of Mam Mass Kah) and Mam Awa Bah (daughter of Ibra Marem Bah (half brother of Sait Matty Bah) who were sons of the great Maba Jahou Bah.

He was endowed with the unique gift of deeper knowledge (seen and unseen – zahirr and the batin) and understanding. His commitment to his faith – Islam and worship, acquisition, creation and dissemination of knowledge was noteworthy. His integrity, truthfulness and ability to always have a grip on his self-worth and self-esteem was unparalleled. He was not bothered by worldly and materialistic pursuits; and was indeed a fountain of deeper knowledge and wisdom.

His contribution to scholarship, especially Islamic thought, understanding and enlightenment, education and educating, learning, creation and sharing of knowledge, uplifting and empowering the human spirit and soul, all with a leadership with empathy that had no limit or boundaries. Throughout his leadership as khalifa general of Serign Mam Mass Kah, Papa Serign Muhammadou Kabir Kah, had exhibited the gift of servant leadership, driven by empathy, knowledge, purity and the highest order of generosity of spirit with a very kind soul, wrapped up with integrity, contentment, self-esteem and never perturbed by worldly noises and distractions. These values and ideals should inspire us all.

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His simplicity, respect and appreciation of humanity in its diversity was always manifested in all his interfaces and engagements. He is a giant amongst giants in the caliph generals of the big families of the sub-region, with an enviable modesty, humility, knowledge and wisdom. He mentored, inspired and contributed to successful and progressive futures of many diverse peoples in the Senegambia sub-region and beyond.
Once again, our condolences to the family, talibés and the many out there who loved him dearly and continue to be inspired by him! May Allah SWT bestow upon the late khalifa general of the Mam Mass Kah following, Papa Serign Muhammadou Kabir Kah of Medina Serign Mass Kah, His infinite mercies, forgiveness and receive him in Janatul Firdaus. Ameen.
“To God we belong, and to Him is our return.”


Prof Muhammadou MO Kah is the former Vice Chancellor, University of The Gambia and currently, Vice President and Provost; Professor of Information Technologies & Computing, American University of Nigeria.

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