26.2 C
City of Banjul
Saturday, September 7, 2024


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By Binta A Ba

Magistrate Sidi Jabarteh, who has been presiding over the inquest into the ‘suspicious’ death of former Gambian ambassador to the US Dawda Fadera, has formally submitted her report to the Chief Justice, credible sources told The Standard. The inquiry took a little over two weeks and has called about ten witnesses, including the widow of the late ambassador and several doctors from the EFSTH and Medicare Clinic. The inquest was set up by an order from the Attorney General following what officials called reasonable suspicion in the circumstances of Fadera’s death.
Almost immediately after his death, rumours started flying that Fadera, who was admitted at EFSTH and operated on, might have been poisoned. His family demanded an autopsy which was done but the results are not made public yet.
Judicial sources informed The Standard that the report is now with the Chief Justice who would share it with the relevant authorities and concerned people.
It is not known when the report will be made public.

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