Once again, our erudite professor, a true son of the land Gibril Faal has broken down and dismantled the excuses of the IEC and the Government like fish and chips!!!
In this recent interview with our smart journalist Alieu Ceesay, the professor has shown that indeed logistics is not the issue because money can be raised. Therefore, the real issue is political will.
That is, are our government officials such as the President, Ministers, NAMs and IEC officials truly committed to ensuring that the diaspora vote as sovereign citizens of this country?
So far, the evidence shows that the political will is not there.
Here is the evidence:
1. The 1997 Constitution stipulates in Section 26 the political rights of Gambians which includes to vote or to be voted for in elections.
2. In Section 39, the 1997 Constitution states further that every citizen who has 18 years and of sound mind has a right to register as a voter to vote in public elections.
3. Section 11 of the Elections Act 1996 states that the IEC will register all Gambians including maintaining and compiling a register of Gambian voters in foreign countries.
4. Section 12 of the Elections Act 1996 states that one qualification for registration is to be registered in the constituency in which one resides or was born.
5. Section 141 of the Elections Act 1996 states that the IEC will make rules for Gambians in the diaspora to vote in presidential elections.
6. In 2021, the Supreme Court ruled that Gambians in the diaspora have a right to be registered and to vote as laid out in the 1997 Constitution and the Elections Act 1996.
These laws were made 30 years ago. Yet, until today the diaspora is denied to vote! Why?
The only reason is that both the Executive and the Legislature on one hand and the IEC on the other hand do not want our fellow Gambians in foreign countries to have a say in the governance of the Gambia! Period.
Why didn’t the IEC register Gambians in the diaspora as required by law?
Why didn’t the IEC maintain and compile the register of Gambian voters in foreign countries as required by law? Why didn’t the IEC make the rules and procedures setting out how Gambians in foreign countries should vote and make sure they vote as required by law?
These questions raise further questions for the Executive and the Legislature:
Why have the President and the National Assembly failed to ask the IEC to register Gambians in foreign countries as required by law?
Why has the President and the National Assembly failed to ask IEC to create rules for Gambians abroad to vote in presidential elections as required by law?
Why does the National Assembly approve the budget for the IEC without asking why that budget does not cover diaspora voting as required by law?
Why would the National Assembly review the annual report of the IEC and fail to ask why diaspora voting was not mentioned as required by law?
These questions indicate that both the President and the National Assembly are failing in their respective governance, legislative, budgetary and oversight functions in ensuring that the diaspora vote as required by law, thereby severely violating the Constitution and the Elections Act.
The argument that the IEC does not have the capacity or there are logistical constraints are mere diversionary tactics just to deny the vote to Gambians in the diaspora. Money and capacity are built, maintained and augmented all the time!
For 30 years, one cannot ignore a constitutional right and obligation on the basis that one does not have money and capacity. That’s blatant violation!
It is even more scandalous to claim that new constituencies have to be first demarcated in the diaspora before they can vote. That argument by Justice minister Dawda Jallow is the clearest demonstration of lack of political will by creating false narratives. It is incredible that a minister of justice would be the one to perpetuate a constitutional violation and injustice!
Gambians should ensure that these politicians who have been denying diaspora voting are punished for this gross misconduct. They are violating our Constitution and the electoral law.
Our citizens should ensure that these politicians are voted out in the 2026 presidential election and the 2027 parliamentary elections. They do not deserve to hold public office because of their blatant betrayal of the people and gross violation of the supreme law of the land!
In the same vein, the current leadership of the IEC must be removed for their illegal acts, incompetence and failure to adhere to the rule of law.
For the Gambia 🇬🇲 Our Homeland