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City of Banjul
Monday, October 28, 2024

Ex-Finance Minister urges Assembly to investigate gov’t contracts ‘awarded to NPP sympathisers’

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By Omar Bah

Former Finance Minister and opposition United Democratic Party’s treasurer, Amadou Sanneh, has urged the National Assembly to launch an investigation into government road construction contracts he claimed were awarded to NPP sympathisers.

Addressing a meeting in Tuba Sanchaba where some NPP women are said to have decamped to the opposition UDP, Mr. Sanneh  raised concern about the slow pace of some road constructions, especially those awarded to contractors ‘believed to be sympathisers’ of the ruling NPP.

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Sanneh also expressed concern over what he said is a   potential state capture reminiscent of the previous regime under Yahya Jammeh.

“The way and manner they award road construction contracts doesn’t follow due process, and I think the National Assembly should launch a parliamentary inquiry and invite the Minister of Works to provide explanations on how some of the contractors were hired because I am not sure some of them have ever constructed a single road in their history. They gave some of these contractors work just because they support the NPP,” he all edged

Sanneh continued: “That is a very bad government policy because everybody who registered a company in this country should be given equal opportunities. There should be an open tender for all companies to express their desire to participate.”

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NPP women groups

Mr Sanneh also expressed concern over reports that the NPP is collecting D150 from women groups with a promise of giving them loans.

“We also received information that the NPP is asking women groups to come forward and pay a registration fee of D150 in exchange for loans. If that is true, then the IEC should come forward and address it because it’s an inducement. How about other Gambian women who decided not to support the NPP? So it is clear now that the only solution is to remove these people and put in a responsible government. We have to take this country back,” he said.

He said Mr. Barrow is not capable of governing the country, adding many Gambians are beginning to realise the government’s inability.

“So for those who still want to stay with the NPP, they are doing it at their own lack of wisdom because it is now very clear that the NPP cannot take this country anywhere. There is corruption everywhere, and our president is busy telling stories and making empty promises,” he said.

He alleged that the NPP has caused so much damage to the country’s economy that it would be difficult for any future government to repair.

“They are sharing the country’s resources among themselves. The information we are receiving from the Central Bank is that it has been turned into a commercial bank. When we were in government, we agreed that government would not guarantee even Nawec, but today the Central Bank is giving guarantees to private businesses,” Sanneh alleged.

He went on: “I also got information that because of the devaluation of the dalasi, the government is now swapping currencies with the African Finance Corporation. They are taking Treasury bills to look for dollars. The destruction that is going on in this country is immeasurable.”

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