27.1 C
City of Banjul
Thursday, September 19, 2024

GTBank equips GID training school with quality wear

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By Lamin Cham

Continuing a long history of partnership, Guaranty Trust Bank yesterday supplied quality wears for recruits and training instructors at the Gambia Immigration Department’s Training School.

 The items were presented at the GID head office in Banjul by the executive director of GTBank Daniel Attah who told GID senior officials that though his bank has partnered with many institutions in the Gambia, GID is top on the list and his management is delighted to be associated with another opportunity to support the institution.

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He noted that with about 50 percent of its staff banking with GTBank, the GID has supported the bank and in return “we have come here to present this token in this partnership which is a marathon, and not a sprint, and therefore will continue.”  

 Mr Attah urged more GID staff and the general public to open accounts with the GTBank which he said uses technology to bring banking to the fingertips or door steps of customers. ”And we are not resting on our laurels in our work to make banking convenient for our customers,” Attah added.

Receiving the items, the GID commissioner for finance Ousman Lowe acknowledged that the two institutions have a long history of partnership.  He said the coming of the items is very timely. ”We have just completed selection and are about to embark on a recruitment process and the materials you have just donated are very much needed for this purpose. Normally, this would have eaten into our budget which is very tight, and so we are grateful and cannot emphasise the gaps your intervention has filled in this regard,” Commissioner Lowe said. He assured GTBank officials that the GID will encourage more staff to bank with the bank. ”It is going to a big catchment for you,” he assured.

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 Commissioner Lowe praised the quality service of GTBank and singled out one Malick Mboob for his exemplary work. 

The Commandant of the GID training school, Superintendent Omar F Saidykhan thanked the GTBank for the gesture and disclosed that the partnership between the bank and the training school is long and strong. “We have benefited from similar things from your bank. These items would go a long way to enhance the effectiveness of the training for both recruits and instructors as it make us appear neat before them and by extension inculcate the principle of neatness in them,”Saidykhan said.

The ceremony was chaired by Commissioner Mamanding Dibba, PRO, and attended by the commissioners of operations and administration among other senior GID officials.

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