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The ‘male menopause’ –what does the medical evidence say?

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Menopause in men or just mid-life crisis?

Changes in hormone levels are a natural part of aging. For women calls estrogen female sex hormone levels drop drastically during the menopause. A term predominately used by the media, the ‘male menopause’ is used to describe an age-related decline in testosterone (male sex hormone) and the symptoms associated with it – including low energy, poor concentration, weight gain and erectile dysfunction.

what exactly is testosterone (male Sex Hormone) and what happens to it as you get older.

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Testosterone – often described as the male sex hormone – plays an important role in emotional and physical wellbeing. In men, it’s primarily made in the testicles – also called the testes. ‘Testosterone is responsible for the production of sperm and red blood cells. It also stimulates sex drive, maintains muscle and bone strength and regulates the distribution of body fat,’

Men start to produce testosterone during puberty, peaking at around the age of 20. From the age of 30, testosterone levels normally start to decrease by around 1% to 2% per year. this decline happens more gradually than female menopause and is unlikely to cause any issues in itself.

Can certain lifestyle factors trigger menopause-like feelings?

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Reaching middle age can mean a few life adjustments. Many of us experience changes to our health, the loss of relationships or loved ones, or problems with money. Thinking about your life as if it’s at the halfway stage could also lead to a ‘midlife crisis’. In situations like these, some people may get ‘male menopause’-like symptoms, such as self-doubt, shifts in energy levels, mood changes, lowered motivation, a lack of self-esteem and changes in sexual drive.

What about lack male sex hormone productions?

In some cases, symptoms of the ‘male menopause’ may be caused by testosterone deficiency which happens when the testes begin to work less efficiently and make few or no hormones. Although lack of sex hormone can occur at any age, men are more likely to develop it as they get older. Some of the most common symptoms include:

An increased risk of breaking a bone, decreased muscle mass and strength, decreased growth of body hair, Hot flushes and sweats

A decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, infertility, low self-esteem, changes in mood, e.g. anger, depression, irritability and sadness, fatigue, poor concentration and memory, increased body fat, trouble sleeping.

What causes lack of male sex hormone testosterone?

Can be caused by normal ageing. ‘Other factors that can affect testosterone include injury to the testicles, being overweight, alcohol misuse, a sedentary lifestyle, certain medical conditions – such as cancer, HIV, lupus, mumps and organ failure – and some medicines,’

o          Hypogonadism rates are also higher among men with high blood pressure, diabetes, prostate disease, asthma and chronic obstructive lung disease .

What can you do to help boost of your sex hormone testosterone?

‘Certain lifestyle choices can speed up the decline of testosterone,’. Here are some lifestyle changes you can make to increase your testosterone levels naturally:

1.         Maintaining a healthy weight A raised body mass index (BMI) can have a direct and negative impact on testosterone levels. One study found that being overweight was the most significant risk factor for lower testosterone in men.

2.         Cut back on alcohol drinking excessive amounts of alcohol affects the system of hormones glands and hormones involved in male reproductive health. It reduces levels of hormone (LH), one of the main hormones that controls the body’s reproductive system.

3.         Stay active exercising regularly has heaps of health benefits, from improving muscle strength to reducing the risk of disease.

4.         Sleep is essential for the body to function correctly. As well as lowering the risk of heart disease and depression, sleep can also help to maintain testosterone levels. It has shown that one week of sleeping just five hours a night lowered testosterone by as much as 15%.

And, of course, every person is different. And not all men going through this stage of life will experience it exactly the same way. The passage into middle age is complicated. It has many personal, social, economic and family implications. It may therefore be difficult to differentiate these changes from the symptoms of other conditions that can create some of the same symptoms.

Male menopause begins with hormonal, physiological chemical changes that occur in all men generally between the ages of forty and fifty-five, though it can occur as early as thirty-five or at late as sixty-five. These changes affect all aspects of man’s life. Male menopause is thus a psychological, interpersonal, social and spiritual dimension.

Diagnose of male menopause and treatment

If a man is experiencing a few or all of these symptoms, it is important to get a full exam from a doctor. This exam will rule out any other conditions or medical problems such as diabetes, which can also be the cause of low testosterone. A doctor will give man Treatment Options

Men often do not seek treatment for andropause. A lot of men feel uncomfortable speaking about their symptoms and, in the past, doctors haven’t taken men’s menopause seriously. Signs of menopause in men can also be difficult to diagnose. Thanks to new studies, though, doctors have become more aware of this problem and are beginning to realize the importance of treatment.

The primary treatment for lack of hormone is Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT). Like oestrogen’s replacement in women, testosterone replacement aims to bring hormonal levels back up to a healthy level. Once testosterone levels are increased, most men begin to experience fewer symptoms. Unfortunately, testosterone replacement doesn’t always work well to combat erectile dysfunction. Because this is such a severe symptom for most men, other treatments for erectile dysfunction should be investigated.

It is important for men to understand what is happening to their bodies as they age. not affect all men and its symptoms have varying degrees of severity. However, if you know someone who is affected by these problems, encourage him to talk about his symptoms with a doctor. Blood tests including a blood testosterone level test.


Since the condition has no clear definition, men who experience these physical changes will receive treatment according to their symptoms.

A person with obesity will receive support for weight management and an exercise regimen. They might also have to adjust their food intake and engage with a well-balanced and nutritious diet.

Unless male menopause is causing you, severe hardship or disrupting your life, you’ll probably manage your symptoms without treatment. The biggest hurdle in treating male menopause may be talking to your doctor about your symptoms. Many men are too intimidated or shy to discuss sexual topics with their doctors.

The most common type of treatment for symptoms of male menopause is making healthier lifestyle choices. For example, your doctor might advise you to:

eat a healthy diet, get regular exercise, get enough sleep, reduce your stress

These lifestyle habits can benefit all men. After adopting these habits, men who are experiencing symptoms of male menopause may see a dramatic change in their overall health.

If you’re experiencing depression, your doctor may prescribe antidepressants, therapy, and lifestyle changes.

Hormone replacement therapy is another treatment option. However, it’s very controversial. Like performance-enhancing steroids, synthetic testosterone can have damaging side effects. For example, if you have prostate cancer, it may cause your cancer cells to grow. If your doctor suggests hormone replacement therapy, weigh all of the positives and negatives before making your decision.

4 Major Changes in Men After Turning 50 Years Old

As you start to get older your body goes through many good and bad changes. This can be a very scary time because you start to become restricted when doing the things you love.

Everybody is different, so changes tend to come at different times. Some men are also affected differently as they get older because of genetics. A good example is male pattern baldness, as some men lose hair while others thin but do not lose it completely.

After doing some research online about the major changes in men after the age of 50, there are found 4 common occurrences that Understanding them will allow you to be proactive so you can lessen the effect on your body, and mind

1. Muscle limitation

As you get older, especially passing the age of 50, you’ll have reduced muscle movement. Men are known to do a lot of heavy lifting, and tougher jobs, so muscles do become restricted over time.

As men start to approach 50 years old, the muscle loses elasticity, which forces them to stiffen up. At the same time, you slowdown in how much you use them because you no longer do the same kind of work you’re used to. Tone and mass may begin to lessen within the muscle, causing what’s known as arthritis.

To reduce pain in the muscle, it’s important to keep doing the things you love and using the muscle groups regularly. Joining a gym and doing regular stretches will help too.

2. Water shortage in body

As you start to creep up near 50, you’ll lose a lot of water in your body. When your body is younger than 50, it consists of 61% water, however, this lowers to 54% once you pass the age of 50. Your body needs water to function, and it’s a natural way of cleansing your body, but with less water, it becomes harder for your body to cleanse itself.

It’s important to always drink water and increase water intake when you turn 50 years old. If you are younger right now, I would get in the habit of drinking more water so you naturally drink more water. The daily recommendation is 3.7 liters.

3. Lower testosterone

This has been up for debate because many researchers claim that when testosterone lowers with age it has to do with lifestyle changes like eating habits, illnesses, and obesity.

However, free testosterone in your body also lowers after the age of 50 because more is needed for muscle repair and tissue damage, which happens with age. Since this free testosterone is being used somewhere else, you no longer have it around, decreasing it within your body. Therefore, men will experience lower libido, sex drive, etc.

To combat lower testosterone with age, you should exercise to lower fat levels in your body. When you’re in better shape, you don’t have muscle damage because you’re active. This means the free testosterone in your body is not being used somewhere else.

When you go to the gym, focus on exercises that increase your testosterone. like squats, bench presses, and back exercises. Work out the bigger muscle groups, and you’ll have to lift heavier at the same time so your body will release testosterone into your bloodstream for more power.

4. Mental instability

Instability,” referring to depression, memory loss, or even anxiety. After 50 years old, you start to slow down, and changes begin to take over your body.

These are usually considered “negative” changes, and this can have a mental impact on you. Men understand they no longer have the energy of a 19-year-old, and take this pretty harshly on themselves. The good news is that mental instability can be solved by viewing things differently and keeping busy.

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