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Saturday, December 14, 2024

Men of Excellence: Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra)

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Friday Sermon delivered by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad(at)

After reciting Tashahhud, Ta`awwuz and Surah al-Fatihah, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad(aba) said that after completing mention of the life of Hazrat Abu Bakr(ra), he mentioned that there were some Companions regarding whom there were further details that would be added once the series of sermons was published. However, His Holiness(aba) said that many people have been writing to him, telling him how much they have benefitted from listening to these sermons. Hence, His Holiness(aba) said that he deemed it best to mention these further details in sermons as well, so that the maximum number of people could benefit from them.

The Holy Prophet’s Love for Hazrat Hamzah’s(ra) Name

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His Holiness(aba) said that he would first mention Hazrat Hamzah(ra). He was the Holy Prophet’s (sa) uncle and was very dear to him. It is narrated that the Holy Prophet(sa) loved the name “Hamzah”. Once, someone asked the Holy Prophet(sa) what they should name their newborn son; the Holy Prophet(sa) advised to name the boy after Hamzah bin Abi Muttalib for he loved that name.

His Holiness(aba) said that Hazrat Hamzah(ra) was also known as Abu Ammarah, after his daughter Ammarah who was born from his second wife Khaulah. Hazrat Hamzah(ra) also had another daughter named Umamah. It is recorded that based on the Treaty of Hudaibiyah, when it was time for the Holy Prophet(sa) to leave Makkah, Umamah came running behind the Holy Prophet(sa). Hazrat Ali(ra) took her and handed her to Hazrat Fatimah(ra) and asked her to look after her. Thereafter, Hazrat Ali(ra), Hazrat Ja’far(ra) and Hazrat Zaid(ra) all wanted to bring her under their care. The matter was taken to the Holy Prophet(sa) who said that she should remain under the care of her maternal aunt, for a maternal aunt is like a mother. His Holiness(aba) said that even the smallest of matters have been elucidated, such as this one which answers the question of why children are given to their maternal aunt or grandmother when certain relevant matters are taken to arbitration.

His Holiness(aba) said that initially, Hazrat Hamzah(ra) had expressed his allegiance to the Holy Prophet(sa) out of anger and later was regretful for having left the faith of his ancestors. He was unable to sleep that night, and so he went to the Ka’bah and prayed for his doubts to be removed. He had not even finished praying yet, that his heart was put to ease and he was convinced, upon which he went to the Holy Prophet(sa) and related the entire incident. Upon hearing it, the Holy Prophet(sa) prayed for God to grant Hazrat Hamzah(ra) steadfastness.

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Flag Bearer in Various Expeditions

His Holiness(aba) said that in Safar 2 AH, the Holy Prophet(sa) granted the Islamic flag to Hazrat Hamzah(ra) in an expedition towards the Banu Zamrah in Ghaddan. The Holy Prophet(sa) spoke with the chief of the tribe which resulted in a treaty of peace between them and the Muslims. This was also the same place where the Holy Prophet’s (sa) mother passed away.

His Holiness said that in Jamadi al-Ula 2 AH, the Holy Prophet(sa) set out with a group of 150-200 Migrant Companions towards Ushairah and during this expedition, it was Hazrat Hamzah(ra) again who was bearing the white flag of the Holy Prophet(sa). This expedition also resulted in the establishment of a peace treaty.

His Holiness(aba) said that at the beginning of the Battle of Badr, the Quraish called for single combat, for which the Holy Prophet(sa) sent forth Hazrat Hamzah(ra), Hazrat Ali(ra) and Hazrat Ubaidah(ra). Both Hazrat Hamzah(ra) and Hazrat Ali(ra) were both easily victorious in their respective battles, however Ubaidah(ra) was seriously injured and succumbed to his injuries on the way back from Badr.

His Holiness(aba) said that once, before the prohibition of alcohol in Islam, Hazrat Hamzah(ra) was inebriated and it was in this state that he killed two of Hazrat Ali’s(ra) camels. The Holy Prophet(sa) was informed of this and so he went to Hazrat Hamzah(ra) and expressed his displeasure. Hazrat Hamzah(ra) was still intoxicated and so he said that everyone was subservient to his forefathers. The Holy Prophet(sa) said that it was best not to speak to him while he was in this state. Later, when alcohol was prohibited in Islam, Hazrat Hamzah(ra) immediately gave it up. His Holiness(aba) said that this sets a beautiful example for us. Sometimes when there is an instruction, some people say that they need time to adopt it, however as soon as this injunction of alcohol being prohibited was heard, the Companions wasted no time and asked no questions before adopting it wholeheartedly.

His Holiness(aba) said that Hazrat Hamzah(ra) was also the flag bearer during the expedition towards Banu Qainqah, who had already been plotting the assassination of the Holy Prophet(sa). After the Battle of Badr, the Banu Qainqah were the first among the Jewish people in Madinah to break their treaty with the Holy Prophet(sa) and started creating trouble and plotting against the Muslims. Despite the Jewish people’s expressions of hatred, the Holy Prophet(sa) remained patient. In fact he continued to honour the Jewish people. Once, a Jewish man gave precedence to Moses(as) over all prophets, in response to which a Companion reacted in a harsh manner. When the matter was taken to the Holy Prophet(sa) he said not to give him precedence over Moses(as), as a kind gesture to care for the sentiments of the Jewish man. There was another incident where a Muslim woman went to the shop of a Jewish merchant, who behaved highly inappropriately towards the Muslims woman even putting a thorn in her clothes so that when she moved she became unclothed. When the Muslims approached the Banu Qainqah to desist from such behaviour, they responded indignantly, telling the Muslims that they should not be prideful over their victory in Badr, as they would not have the same result if they were to battle them.

His Holiness(aba) said that eventually, the Holy Prophet(sa) lay siege to the fortress of Banu Qainqah and when they had no option left, they had to surrender. Although, according to their own Mosaic law they were all subject to the death penalty for their treachery, the Holy Prophet(sa) was merciful to them and offered them to resettle somewhere else. Hence, the resettlement of the Banu Qainqah was entrusted to Hazrat Ubadah bin Samit(ra).

His Holiness(aba) said that some allege that when the Banu Qainqah opened the gates to their fortress, the Holy Prophet(sa) intended to kill their soldiers, however this cannot be the case at all, for they only opened their doors after they had assurance that their lives and the lives of their wives and children would be spared. Although they may have been deserving of the death penalty, the Holy Prophet(sa) acted with mercy towards them and did not enact it. Hence, this allegation is entirely false.

Martyrdoms of Hazrat Hamzah(ra)

His Holiness(aba) said that Hazrat Hamzah(ra) was martyred in the Battle of Uhud, something which the Holy Prophet(sa) had been foretold. Once, the Holy Prophet(sa) saw a dream in which he saw the corner of his sword being broken, which he interpreted to mean that a prominent member of his family would be martyred. Hazrat Hamzah’s(ra) body was brutally mutilated, which caused the Holy Prophet(sa) immense pain. It is narrated that the Holy Prophet(sa) was so deeply pained by this sight, that he said if he could, he would do the same to thirty people from the Quraish. It was upon this that the following Qur’anic verse was revealed:

“And if you desire to punish the oppressors, then punish them to the extent to which you have been wronged; but if you show patience, then, surely, that is best for those who are patient.”  (Holy Qur’an 16:127) 

Upon this, the Holy Prophet(sa) said that he would remain patient and offered expiation for what he said.

His Holiness(aba) said that the Holy Prophet(sa) and his family displayed exemplary patience upon the martyrdom of Hazrat Hamzah(ra). Aside from the flowing of tears which was natural, there was no wailing or excessive expression of grief. Initially, the Holy Prophet(sa) did not allow for Hazrat Safiyya(ra) to see the body of Hazrat Hamzah(ra), however upon her vow of patience he allowed it and she remained true to her promise.

His Holiness(aba) said that this concluded mention of Hazrat Hamzah(ra) and he would continue mentioning other Companions in the future.

Prayers for the New Year

His Holiness(aba) said that the new year is starting in two days. His Holiness(aba) prayed that may Allah the Almighty bestow His blessings with the coming of this new year. May this new year be blessed for the Community. May all plots and ploys of the enemy be foiled. May Ahmadis all across the world fulfil the purpose of their lives more than ever before.

His Holiness(aba) also enjoined prayers for the world; may Allah save the world from war. The world’s conditions continue to deteriorate and the world stands on the precipice of destruction. Everyone seems to desire nothing but their personal gain; may Allah have mercy. His Holiness(aba) also enjoined prayers for all those Ahmadis who are enduring injustices; may Allah the Almighty keep all members of the Community safe from injustice and cruelty in the new year.

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