20.7 C
City of Banjul
Thursday, March 13, 2025

Re: Malagen – U$20 airport security fee caused D274m economic loss to state?

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Dear Editor,

The Gambia is a sinking state. These private-public partnerships and so-called investments are not in the interest of the state in most cases as we can see. We see how they boomerang in our face. Are contracts like the Securitas airport deal not scrutinised or blindly done because of individual interests? Let us all remember that regimes  change and accountability will happen. And when that day comes, all corruption and abuse hidden will be exposed!

Dawda Joof

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Dear Editor,

I have said it time and time again. This nonsense US$20 tax levied on arriving and departing passengers at our airport is a scam and collectively, all passengers must refuse paying it and demand its scrapping immediately. These people are criminals and they can only do this nonsense in The Gambia and nowhere else. It’s pathetic and annoying that such a scheme is still going on. It’s grand theft of the highest order.

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Bass Sonko


Dear Editor,

Upon reading this article, I laughed out loud not with joy but in despair! Looks like our government departments are incapable of running even a corner shop! No toubab who lives here will be in the least bit surprised. I’m sure half of the population is shaking their heads in despair and shame at the uneducated leaders and government workers.

Yet it is the people’s very own culture of silence to protect family name and honour (not that the offenders have any). It is the silence and lack of whistle blowing, that means nothing will change until there is a new Education Department that will eventually bring about a real educated generation which will not bow down to the family and then real change can happen. God save The Gambia.

PA Chrisp


Dear Editor,

Corruptions will never stop in The Gambia until we migrate from an analogue to a digital economy. Anywhere you travel around the globe they charge you airport tax fees on your tickets and it shows in your breakdown. So why are things different in The Gambia? Why the double charge? Every passenger whoever passes through Banjul airport over the years must reclaim his money back. Big scam and shame on Banjul airport!

Aladeen Faye

London, UK

Dear Editor,

Jesus Christ, what is wrong with the leadership in The Gambia? For how long will Barrow’s government turn a blind eye to corruption?

With this level of corruption I am really not sure President Barrow and his officials can sleep peacefully at night knowing that corruption is on the rise and he and his government are doing more or less nothing about it.

Mr President, if you and your government continue giving a blind eye to corruption, history will judge you harshly.

Victal Bass


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