Fifty-one year old Modou Camara a resident of Somita Village was arrested on the 21st September 2022 at around 21:30hrs with (1) big bundle (68) wraps and some quantities of suspected cannabis sativa which is concealed in a white paper and placed inside a cement paper.
Sixteen and 15-year-old minors, residents of Paradise Estate were arrested on the 20th September 2022 at around 21:30hrs onwards with (19) wraps of suspected cannabis sativa which is concealed in a white paper and placed inside a green-color bag. The Alleged Child Offenders are taken to the Gender and Child Welfare unit of the Agency for further investigations.
Twenty-three year old Sunkaru Drammeh, a resident of Wullinkama was arrested on the 21st September 2022 at around 12:00hrs with (4) wraps of suspected cannabis sativa which is concealed in white paper and placed inside a black bag.
Twenty-three year old Sarjo Dampha, 36 years old Buba Drammeh, 18 years old Ousman Sonko, 21 years old Essa Gibba, 51 years old Buba Demba, 21 years old Modou Njie, 19 years old Abdou Dampha, 21 years old Sanna Sidibeh, 20 years old Bai Nyass Faye, 20 years old Ebrima Dampha, 30 years old Lamin Fatty and 34 years old Ebrima Jarju were arrested on the 21st September 2022 at around 12:00hrs for obstructing officers in due execution of their duties.
29 years old Nyima Beyai and 25 years old Alima Camara both resident of Faji Kunda were arrested on the 21st September 2022 at around 22:15hrs with (35) stones of suspected cannabis resin (hashish) which is concealed in an orange bag, placed inside a green bag and insert in a red ladies bag.
Thirty-four year old Alasana Trawally and 18 years old Sulayman Makasuba both residents of Sanyang Village were arrested on the 22nd September 2022 at around 12:10hrs with (20) parcels and (6) wraps of suspected cannabis sativa which is concealed in a white paper and placed inside a multi-color nylon bag.
Nineteen year old Sarjo Keita, a resident of Manjai Kunda was arrested on the 21st September 2022 at around 20:56hrs onwards with (9) wraps of suspected cannabis sativa which is concealed in a white paper.
Twenty-two year old Amadou Jah and 20 years old Sainey Bayo both resident of Bansang with arrested on the 21st September 2022 at around 16:30hrs with (245) wraps of suspected cannabis sativa which is concealed in a white paper and placed inside a multi-color bag.
All the suspects are taken into custody while further investigations continue.
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Source: DLEAG Â