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City of Banjul
Saturday, September 7, 2024

A call for action: Sandu deserves better representation

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By Lamin B Barra

In a recent article, Alieu Sawo, a brother from Sandu courageously voiced the frustrations of Sandu district’s residents, highlighting the profound disappointment with Hon. Ebrima Jaiteh’s silence on critical issues affecting our constituency (Sandu). it is with a shared sense of disappointment that I express my agreement with his concerns regarding Hon. Ebrima Jaiteh’s representation in the National Assembly.

Hon. Ebrima Jaiteh, entrusted with representing Sandu constituency in the National Assembly, has regrettably remained conspicuously silent on matters that deeply affect our lives. Issues ranging from education and healthcare to security and economic empowerment continue to distress our community without meaningful intervention from our elected representative.

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Sandu’s challenges are stark and multifaceted. Our schools lack adequate resources, our healthcare facilities are strained, and our farmers struggle under harsh conditions without essential support systems. Our youth face a dire lack of skill training opportunities, perpetuating cycles of unemployment and limited economic prospects.

It is deeply disheartening that Hon. Ebrima Jaiteh, during crucial Assembly sessions, has failed to articulate our concerns or champion solutions that could lighten these hardships. His silence speaks volumes, leaving Sandu’s voice muted in the halls where decisions affecting our future are made.

We, the people of Sandu, deserve proactive leadership that advocates tirelessly for our welfare. We need a representative who not only listens but acts decisively to improve our quality of life. It is imperative that we come together to demand accountability. How I wish there exist a procedure that we can follow to recall Hon. Ebrima Jaiteh from his position.

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Now more than ever, Sandu needs a representative who will stand up and fight for our rights, who will bring our issues to the forefront of national discourse, and who will work tirelessly to secure the resources and support our community urgently requires.

Let us unite in solidarity, raising our voices in unison to ensure that our next representative embodies the commitment, dedication, and proactive spirit necessary to lead Sandu towards a brighter, more prosperous future. The time for change is now, and together, we can make it happen.

Hon. Jaiteh, as a leader entrusted with representing Sandu, must heed this wake-up call. The role of a representative is not merely to hold a title but to actively engage in the legislative process to improve the lives of those they represent. It is a privilege that comes with the responsibility to listen, understand, and act decisively on behalf of the people.

I urge Hon. Ebrima Jaiteh to recognize the urgency of the situation and to commit himself wholeheartedly to advocating for Sandu District. The time for gratification has passed; our community deserves a leader who will tirelessly champion our interests and work tirelessly to improve our living condition.

In conclusion, let it be a reminder to all leaders: aspiring to represent others entails a solemn commitment to addressing their concerns and striving for tangible improvements in their lives. The reckoning for effective representation will inevitably come, and it is imperative that Hon. Jaiteh rises to the occasion for the betterment of Sandu District and its people.

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