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Wednesday, February 12, 2025

A call for unity: Ending character assassination in The Gambia

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The Gambia, our beloved homeland, has always been known for its rich culture, warmth, and communal spirit. Yet, a growing and disturbing trend threatens to erode the very fabric of our unity — tarnishing each other’s character for personal gain. Whether in politics, the pursuit of fame, or individual success, many have chosen the path of destruction rather than collaboration. This culture of backstabbing, envy, and false friendships has become an epidemic, slowing down our collective progress as a nation.

How often do we see people smiling in public, yet their hearts are filled with hatred for their brothers and sisters? How often do we witness people pretending to be allies, only to plot against each other in secret? The root cause of this behaviour is a toxic desire to pull others down simply because we do not want to see them shine. Instead of celebrating the achievements of our fellow Gambians, some choose to slander, undermine, and destroy. To what end?

Words of truth

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Allah warns us in the Holy Qur’an: “O you who have believed, avoid much [negative] assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin. And do not spy or backbite each other. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother when dead? You would detest it. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is accepting of repentance and Merciful.”

(Surah Al-Hujurat 49:12)

This powerful verse serves as a reminder that slander, gossip, and the deliberate tarnishing of someone’s character is not only morally wrong but a grave sin. When we speak ill of others out of envy or personal interest, we degrade our own integrity and hinder national progress.

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In The Prince, Niccolò Machiavelli spoke of how men act in their self-interest, often betraying others for personal gain: “Men in general judge more by the eyes than by the hands, for everyone can see and few can feel. Everyone sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are.”

This quote exposes a harsh reality — people are often more concerned with appearances than true integrity. Many act as friends but, in reality, are enemies in disguise. This deceptive culture must end if we are to build a better Gambia.

The fix: A new culture of brotherhood

It is time to replace hatred with unity, envy with encouragement, and deceit with honesty. We must recognise that when one Gambian succeeds, it opens doors for many others. Let us uplift, support, and celebrate each other rather than tearing each other down.

We cannot claim to love The Gambia while secretly wishing for the failure of our own people. A nation grows when its people unite, not when they destroy each other over politics, fame, or power.

May we all reflect, repent, and choose to be better. Let the truth set us free.

#TheFix #MohammedJallow #TheTruthShallSetYouFree

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