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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Amir Trawally addresses 44th Jalsa Salana

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By Amadou Jadama

Baba F Trawally, the Amir of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at in The Gambia, last week Friday presided over the 44th annual conference known as Jalsa Salana at Masroor Senior School in Old Yundum.

The 44th Jalsa, according to the Amir, had been delayed for two years due to the outbreak of the deadly coronavirus.

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“We must all pay gratitude to Allah for granting us to be here today. The Jalsa couldn’t hold in 2020 and 2021  because of the pandemic the world has undergone. This is the reason we scaled down the attendance but we are happy all the regions are ably represented,” the Amir said.

The first day of this conference, the Amir reminded the faithful, is of significant importance in the calendar of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at. “This day is May 27th and is referred to as the Khilafat day. The Promise Messiah who happens to be the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at breathed his last on the 26th May 1908 and the following day 27th, his successor Maulvi Hakeem Nurudeen was elected as the first Khalifa of the Jama’at.”

He added:  “Hence, I would emphasise my speech on the blessed institution of Khilafat.

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The promise of the establishment of Khilafat is clear and unmistakable . The Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) is humanity’s sole guide, his Khilafat must continue to to exist in one form or another in the world till the end of time. This is among many others the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) was distinct superiority over all other prophets.”

“Our age has witnessed his greatest spiritual Khalifa in the person of Ahmad the Promise Messiah and Imam Mahdi. Khilafat establishes the authority of Allah the Almighty on earth and the Khalifa strives to uphold that authority within the community of followers. For the believers. Khilafat is an embodiment of Allah’s unity as they choose to take divine authority through the person of the Khalifa,” he added.

According to Amir Trawally, today all the progress and successes that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at is making is through the guidance of His Holiness Hazrat Khalifatul Masih the Fifth. He said the Khalifa is not only concerned about the welfare of the Jama’at members but to the entire humanity as a whole. 

“In essence Khilafat is that divine institution established by Allah after the demise His Prophet to continue the work of the prophet and unite the world under the banner of the oneness of Allah Almighty,” he noted.

In conclusion, Amir Trawally shared special greetings from the head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, Mirza Masroor Ahmad who prayed for continuous peace and stability in The Gambia.

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