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City of Banjul
Monday, January 13, 2025

Arabs, Arab League and OIC are useless and symbol of impotence

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With 1.5 billion members, the organisation of Islamic Conference is the largest International organisation outside the UN. It should have been more powerful than Nato, UN & EU combined. But just like the Arab League, it has been nothing more than a pathetic, shameful, wasteful, and impotent organisation designed more for domestic Muslim consumption by egotistical corrupt Muslim leaders than for addressing urgent political, economic, social, or educational issues that haunt the impoverished and mostly illiterate Muslim masses.

The world has been watching the perennial soap opera of Muslim “unity”, its weakness of resolve and purpose, its disorganisation, and its failure to ever take a “unified” stand on anything to prophetically fulfill a mantra “they never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity” to apply to the Muslim world not just the Palestinians, Rohingyas, Malians, Syrians, Bahrainis, Kashmiris and Afghanis to name a few.

How shameful, 57 Muslim nations with 1.5 BILLION people cannot even begin to offset Israel’s influence in the West, whether politically, economically, or even in the most important weapon Israel has: public relations a mere NGO such as AIPAC is even more powerful than OIC. Our Muslim leaders come to the West and on meetings such as the UN General Assembly in New York on quick visits to get their orders, get some cash reward, and leave without ever speaking to the only people who matter, the American people.

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Truth is, they are fearful to face the free American press who might have strong embarrassing questions on freedoms, human rights, military expenditures, status of women, and health and education issues. So they avoid such an encounter being used to their own “national” media whose daily mission is “how great thou art? 

Even the organisation of the OIC is typical of Muslim disorganisation like other smaller Muslim NGOs: difficulty in decision making, fiscal mismanagement, and acquiescence to Muslim leaders “requests” for appointments of self-serving bureaucrats. While the United Nations has 193 member states representing the globe it only has one deputy secretary general and six main organisations. Contrast that with the OIC that has eight assistants to the secretary general, fourteen organisations, seventeen Muslim trade unions, and seventeen regional offices worldwide. While the UN budget is public and transparent, the OIC budget is not public. However, both the Arab League and OIC share one common fate. BOTH organisations, are “Irrelevant”.

Neither the Muslim peoples nor the OIC garner any respect or carry any weight in the world. Muslim leaders spend millions of dollars on OIC summits for first class accommodations and service, overblown delegations, media personnel to photograph every speech, every hand shake, every movement with newspapers and television programms praising each respective leader for their intelligence, vision, and hard work on behalf of local, regional, and international issues as well as their unwavering support for the Palestinian people. Such meetings always degenerate into self-serving, aggrandisement speeches full of hyperbole and recurrent false promises. 

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 Truth is the Muslim masses are sick and tired of these charades but are too demoralised, hopeless, helpless, and fearful to assert their faith, their dignity, honor, and longing for freedom. They are all hypnotised and indoctrinated by the shameless hourly clapping of media hypocrites who extol the virtues of the leaders and enshrine them with a false history of accomplishments. Ironically, despite Muslim poverty and Arab wealth, both peoples share the same psychological characteristics of helplessness. Both are overwhelmed by a daily onslaught of media spins and packaged opinions that deprive both peoples from independence of thought, emotional empathy, and the moral and spiritual responsibility toward the suffering of nations due to their governmental policies of commission or omission. Both are told to put stock in their material stocks not their human bonds.

 The OIC will never amount to any strong and organised institution to resolve either internal or external Muslim concerns. As for the Arabs, well, leaders/kings/sheikhs/friends of Israel already have their own “regional” friends and councils, they already travel extensively with huge delegations and security forces to visit each other giving the semblance of “action”. They already fill the television and newspaper news with exchanged phone calls and telegrams between each other, they already have loaded embassies in each other’s capitals, and they ALL know each other’s purpose in life: WHICH IS TO STAY ALIVE & RULE WITH AN IRON HAND, be it in Iran, Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Bahrain, Oman or the UAE (just to name a few in the GCC) without forgetting other dictatorships elsewhere in the Muslim world

But then again with OIC, well we produce only 500 PhDs each year as compared to 3,000 in India and 5,000 in the United Kingdom and none of our educational or research institutions or centres of excellence find place in the top 100 in the world.  Wasalaam.


Alhaji Kabiro Jabbie

East Ham



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