32.2 C
City of Banjul
Tuesday, October 22, 2024


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Dear Mr. Editor-In-Chief, I invite reference to my legal article entitled:- “STRIKE OF U.T.G LECTURERS IS ILLEGAL”, which was published on 7th March 2017, in your reputable and widely read Newspaper. (1)    The laconic phrase “The U.T.G.S.U. also demanded for the resignations of The Vice Chancellor and other members of The U.T.G.S.M.T …..”, is linguistically wrong. “U.T.G.S.U” which means – University Of The Gambia Students Union, should be replaced by “University Of The Gambia Staff Association – U.T.G.S.A.”, because the U.T.G students never supported the strike. (2)    Secondly, concerning the phrase “it is of paramount important to point out that, it was around Monday 27th February 2017, that The U.T.G.S.A had a noisy or boisterous Press Conference at The Faculty Of Law….”, the word “important” is also linguistically wrong. Instead it should have been “Importance”. (3)    The aforesaid linguistic errors, are much regretted. “To err is human and to forgive is divine”, as the famous adage goes. (4)    The so called “Sit–Down Strike” of The U.T.G.S.A, should now be appropriately called “Kneel–Down Strike”, because rebellious members of The U.T.G.S.A who are presently engaged in an illegal strike, should now Kneel down and beg members of The U.T.G.S.M.T for mercy, and as a Senior Human Rights Lawyer, I will also advise members of The U.T.G.S.M.T “to Temper Justice With Mercy”. “….and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those, who trespass against us….”, ( from The Lord’s Prayer, for Christians and from The Al-fathia for Muslims). William Shakespeare, the erudite “Bard Of Avon”, in his masterpiece Play/Comedy entitled:- “THE MERCHANT OF VENICE” also expresses similar sentiments, when he authoritatively wrote these highly inspirational words, in his aforesaid Play/Comedy in Act 1, Scene 1 of the aforesaid Play/Comedy “…-we do pray for mercy, and that same prayer, doth teach us all, to render the deeds of mercy”. (5)    Finally, as a Canadian–Trained Theologian, I honestly think that the most  appropriate Theological quotation, for this scenario is, The Book Of Psalms, Chapter 20, Verses 7-8 in The Holy Bible, which read thus:- “……some trust in chariots and some in horses, But we trust in the name of the Lord our God, (Concerning our enemies) they are brought to their knees and fall, But we rise up and stand firm”. Yours In The Rule Of Law]]>

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