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Friday, October 18, 2024

DelAgua launches Live Well programme in partnership with the Government of The Gambia to provide125,000 clean cookstoves to the rural population

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Press Release

The Live Well programme is a partnership between DelAgua and the Government of The Gambia to provide an
integrated improved cookstove, education and support programme, free of charge, to the rural population of
The Gambia. This will deliver a plethora of benefits including health, wellbeing, gender equality, climate, the
environment, nature, education and economic.
The main project partner, with whom DelAgua signed an MoU in 2022, is the Ministry of Petroleum and
Initially 25,000 stoves will be distributed to the women of the households in the Lower River Region. By 2024
DelAgua’s Live Well programme will provide 125,000 stoves, that is one for every rural household currently
without access to modern energy efficient cooking.
DelAgua Chief Operating Officer Euan McDougall is hosting the Honorable Minister of Petroleum and Energy,
the Governor of the Lower River Region and other distinguished guests at a special stove distribution event to
launch the programme.
The event took place on Monday 20th March at Area Council in Jara Soma, Lower River Region.
300 households from the local community will be attending to receive their stoves.
The distribution will be conducted by members of the Village Development Committee (VDC) The VDC is the
trusted local network within the rural communities who DelAgua trains and pays to distribute the stoves and carry out
education, household visits and ongoing support. This is essential for achieving long term behaviour change. The
Ministry of Local Government, Lands and Religious Affairs has provided access to the VDC and supports the
high-quality training and long-term employment that DelAgua is providing.
The Live Well stove is the world’s most fuel-efficient, advanced rocket stove, manufactured by Burn in Kenya,
benefiting the regional African economy. It cuts wood fuel use by 71% and burns with a very high thermal
efficiency. It is designed to be used outdoors, cutting household air pollution (HAP). DelAgua believes it is
essential to provide a high-quality stove that has the best performance, is durable, and easy to use so that the
families and the environment of The Gambia gain the maximum benefit.
DelAgua COO Euan McDougall:
“Over 95% of the rural population cook on wood fuelled traditional fires, usually indoors. This has devastating
consequences for the environment, nature and for the health of women and children in particular, who cook
and tend the fire and so suffer the most from household air pollution.
We believe clean cooking is a basic human right and no one should be deprived because of lack of income. I
am delighted that through the Live Well programme we are able to provide, free of charge, clean cooking
combined with the long-term education and support that will transform families’ lives. “
Honourable Minister of Petroleum & Energy, Abdou Jobe:
“We welcome the partnership between DelAgua and the Government of The Gambia. We are focussed on
improving the health of our rural communities and tackling climate change. The energy efficient stove reduces
wood use by over 70%, which means reduced deforestation and lower greenhouse gas emissions. The impact of wood fuel harvesting on the environment is significant so the Live Well programme will help protect the
unique ecosystems of the region, including the mangroves which play a critical role in mitigating climate
change. “

His Excellency the British High Commissioner Mr. David Belgrove OBE:
“Tackling climate change by reducing carbon emissions and at the same time transforming health and
wellbeing is at the heart of Live Well. DelAgua’s innovative carbon funding means this is a programme that is
assured for the long term and Live Well is a powerful example of how private enterprise, in partnership with
Government, can address climate, nature and health challenges at scale.”

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For more information please contact:
Elizabeth Byamugisha. Regional Marketing Coordinator. elizabeth.byamugisha@delagua .org

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