26.2 C
City of Banjul
Saturday, September 7, 2024

Gambia, Mauritius sign MoU on ICT

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The Gambia and Mauritius yesterday signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the field of information and communication technologies.

The signing took place in Pretoria, South Africa with the High Commissioner Fatou Jahumpa Ceesay representing the Gambia government. Mauritius was represented by the country’s ambassador in Pretoria, Prakarmajith Vijaye LUTCHMUN.

According to a statement from the signing ceremony, the competent authorities responsible for the implementation of the MoU are, in the case of the Gambia, the Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy and its counterpart in Mauritius.

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The Cooperation is meant to encourage a closer working relationship between technical institutions, government, regulatory, business, research, education and other organisations in the ICT and postal services.

The MoU also provides for the two sides to engage and coordinate with relevant government and non-governmental institutions and organisations within the scope of detailed activities under the MoU.

“Given the rapid changes occurring in the various fields of Information and Communication Technologies and Innovations and Postal Services, the two countries have identified the following cooperation activities:

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a) Digital Government Development – exploring joint collaborations to enhance the Digital Government infrastructure and service delivery of both countries; b) Upgrading of Data Centre – sharing of expertise and know-how by the Mauritian side in the form of technical assistance, knowledge sharing and capacity building; c) Sharing of expertise and know-how in the field of e-Governance including cybersecurity, data protection and postal services;

d) Cooperation for capacity building and transfer of knowledge and expertise in fields of common areas such as telecom sector development; e) Cooperation in emerging technologies, research and development; f) Joint organization of workshops, seminars, conferences, study tours and training sessions, joint working groups in the field of ICT; and g) other areas of collaboration as mutually agreed.”

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