23.2 C
City of Banjul
Tuesday, March 11, 2025


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Kumasi Technical University a leading Technical University in Ghana has invited the Director General of Gambia Public Procurement Authority, Mr. Phoday M. Jaiteh for the signing of a long awaited Memorandum of understanding following its assessment of the Gambia Public procurement Institute. The MOU has pave the way for students and Public Procurement Officers and Procurement actors who graduated from Gambia Public Procurement Institute at Advance Diploma level to Pursue two years program to be awarded a degree in Procurement and supply Chain from Kumasi Technical University. The first year will be done in the Gambia and the final year in Ghana to enable Procurement actors to benefit  from  the state of the act  learning facilities and to write their thesis in Ghana on various topics of  public interest leading to their graduation with a BSc in procurement and supply chain management under the tutelage of  lecturers and senior professors of  Business  School of Kumasi Technical University that current have ten (10) PhD holders.

Kumasi Technical University (hereinafter “KsTU”); and Gambia Public Procurement  Authority

(recognizing the benefits to their respective Institutions from the establishment of links, conclude this Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter: “MoU”).

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The purpose of this MoU is to develop academic and partnership cooperation and to promote mutual understanding between the two Parties.

1.   Each Party agrees to develop the following collaborative activities in the academic areas of mutual interest, on a basis of equality and reciprocity. 

1.1         Joint teaching and research in the field of Procurement and Supply Chain Management

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1.2         Joint curriculum and program development

1.3         Joint conferences

1.4         Exchange of students and faculty staff

1.5          Joint proposals to source for funding to promote academic activities of   mutual interest

2.   The development and implementation of specific activities based on this MoU will be separately negotiated and agreed between the parties which carry out the specific projects and will be subject to a separate written agreement.   Each Party agrees to carry out these activities in accordance with the laws and regulations of respective countries.

3.  In the performance of joint teaching and/or research, parties agree to adopt any of the following modes of curriculum delivery:

3.1       Blended learning (i.e., virtual and/or Face-to-face)

3.2       Face-to-face delivery in Gambia or Ghana as parties may agree

4    In the performance of joint teaching, the associated academic fees would be determined based on the adopted mode of curriculum delivery specified under clause 3.

5  It is understood that the implementation of any of the types of co-operation stated in Clause 1 shall depend upon the availability of resources and financial support of the Parties concerned.

6    Both Parties agree that prior written approval is required before using the other Party’s name, logo, or other Intellectual Property rights in any advertising or associated publicity.

7    Should the collaborative research activities under this MoU result in any potential for intellectual property, each Party shall seek an equitable and fair agreement as to ownership and other property interests that may arise.

8   This MoU may only be amended or modified by a written agreement signed by the representatives of each Party.

9    This MoU is valid for a period of five years from the date of signing by the authorized signatories of each Party.  Each Party shall review the status of the MoU at least three months before the end of the five-year period to determine whether it wishes the MoU to continue and, if so, any modifications that might be necessary. The period of validity of this MoU may only be extended by the mutual written consent of both Parties.

10  This MoU may, at any time during its period of validity, be terminated by one of the Parties upon prior notice to the other in writing not later than six months before the termination date.

11  Each Party agrees that the contents of this MoU and the negotiations in relation to any future proposal remain strictly confidential and each Party hereby undertakes not to disclose the same to any third Party, without the prior written consent of the other Party except where such disclosure is required by law.

For and on behalf of Kumasi Technical University

 ____________________________                Date: ____________                       

Professor Gabriel Dwomoh

Vice Chancellor

    ____________________________                 Date: ____________                       

Mr. Ebenezer Kofi Boakye


For and on behalf of Gambia Public Procurement Authority

Director General

Gambia Public Procurement Authority

_______________________                    Date: ____________           


Gambia Public Procurement Institute

 ____________________________                    Date: ____________             

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