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City of Banjul
Tuesday, September 17, 2024

In solidarity with Dr Tangara

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What happened to the National Assembly members that supervised and amended the 1997 constitution to further support self-perpetuating rule of the APRC government as claimed by many?

What happened to the cabinet, justice ministry and other relevant stakeholders that supervised the name change of The Republic of The Gambia to the Islamic Republic of The Gambia without due consultation with the Gambian People?

What happened to the police force that detained innocent Gambians, prosecuted and persecuted some and also was used as a tool of oppression against dissidents? In case you forget in 2017 the then IGP that supervised the arrest of UDP executive was rewarded with a cabinet position of Interior minister. At this time there was no discord amongst the coalition partners.

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What happened to the Mile 2 central prisons outfit that supervised the execution of prison inmates albeit some of then were not sentenced to death but life imprisonment?

The truth of the matter is we Gambians are our own enemies because the amnesia we suffer from is very selective and dependent on whom we like or join Kabudu with.

Tangagra as foreign minister was not the president nor was he cabinet. If an approval was given by cabinet for Gambia’s withdrawal from the commonwealth his ministry and him by extension had absolutely no choice but to follow in line. The argument that he could have resigned is very lame because that is a personal issue of conviction and belief and it’s dictatorial for anyone person to infuse or instill their personal convictions or beliefs on another person.

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A final reminder is that when the new coalition government came into existence, and at a time when there were no fights or disagreements, Tangara was rewarded with retaining his position as permanent representative to the United Nations and subsequently was further rewarded as foreign minister by the same unity government at a time when there was no fallout. If he was fit and good then, why is he unfit now?

Indeed the amnesia we suffer from as Gambians is indeed sporadic and selective dependent on whom we like and adore.


No to Tangara

This petition is not just about Dr. Mamadou Tangara alone. It is against Yahya Jammeh and all his ministers for the two decades of abuse they inflicted on Gambians. The Junglers committed torture and murder for the regime. Equally the policy and decision makers at the top in the Cabinet provided the software for the maintenance of the evil system.

Today, an opportunity has presented itself for us to hold Tangara accountable and we will seize it. Rightly so. If tomorrow another opportunity arises to hold another minister accountable surely we will seize that too. We are not in a hurry. Better late than never for accountability.

We are submitting this petition not to Paul Kagame as the President of Rwanda. No. But because he is the chair of the Commonwealth of Nations.

We are submitting this petition not to also endorse or validate the Commonwealth. It is simply because of the reality that the Gambia is a member. If it were the UN or AU or any other organisation, it makes no difference.

We have a choice to rationalise and create imaginary excuses for people we care about. Cool.

But, we the petitioners and those who signed it see the Gambia and her people only. We have a government which must be held accountable. Whether in the past, present or in future.

This country remains in the last bottom 15 poorest countries on earth! Why? There’s no justification for that other than the indifference and abuse by its public institutions and officials since independence.

They may think they did their best but their best is not enough. A country with whom we gained independence in the same year 1965, Singapore is within the top 5 most advanced countries of the world. They don’t have any better stars than us. The only difference is leadership and accountability!

Our public officials in the Gambia do not care about accountability. They never wanted it. The evidence is there to see. They only want to enjoy the full benefits of their offices but will not perform their functions and do not want face any consequences. That can’t be.

For The Gambia, Our Homeland

Madi Jobarteh

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