29.3 C
City of Banjul
Friday, October 25, 2024


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Toufah Jallow [caption id="attachment_25911" align="alignright" width="265"]Toufa Jallow Toufa Jallow[/caption]

Aspiring social worker

Toufah Jallow, 21, is a stunningly gorgeous and multitalented young lady who wowed everyone by becoming the first, from Gambia College and Brikama, to wear the crown of the July 22nd beauty and scholarship pageant in 2014. A few years later, Toufah left the country “because I had two choices, and I chose to leave everything behind and be forced to find my way in the wilderness rather than subdue to what the ex president thought I should be! Having to decide that I could be more than what anyone at any position think I should be.” Toufah is currently studying international social work at University of Toronto, Canada, after which she eyes a remarkable career in fighting for equal justice. “I want to become a change-driven social worker, joining the rest of the world in addressing the growing demand to standing up to injustices and so many other social imbalances across the globe especially 3rd world countries!” Confident, smart and ambitious, Toufah is steadily breaking the glass ceilings and she believes talent-discovery has been key. “I believe in the power of self-discovery through confidence and independence in the mind-set of an individual! Until one discovers one’s true self and talent, one cannot break barriers, discover or develop their world view. However, history and the realities of this world have thought me that being independent in thought especially for the girl child, is one weapon that elevated any woman for centuries. “As a child, I looked up to my mother, who fought all odds in making sure that she is a university graduate with a sense of independence. And I would say that helped me in developing the attitude of saying no to a lot of things that I do not believe in. Also, other prominent Hollywood actresses e.g, Angelina Jolie who is now the ambassador of women from UNICEF, representing and standing up for women all over the world. But most importantly ‘experiences’, I would say, have served as an inspiration to me to work harder and give more! Knowing what I went through pushes me to stand up for many other girls around the world who need so much help than one can imagine!”]]>

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