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City of Banjul
Friday, October 18, 2024

Letters to the Editor

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Two things Government should be commended for

Dear Editor,

There are two things for which the Barrow-led government needs to be commended. One of these is the setting up of the Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission (TRRC) and the other is the Constitutional Review Commission (CRC).
It is an open secret that the situation before, during and after the December 1st 2016 elections created a huge rift in this country. The country was so polarized that there was fear of a tribal or ethnic conflict. The majority of the country’s citizens were divided on mainly two camps. This was worrisome.

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It is for this reason that there needed to be a commission to investigate, record and document the alleged Human Rights abuses and recommend reconciliation, prosecution or reparation where necessary. ‘The truth shall set you free’ is apt in this our circumstance. When we reveal the full extent of what happened, the door will be open to forgiveness and reconciliation. It is then that we will have a complete healing process and victims and their families will have closure.

The excellent work already started by the TRRC is a clear testimony that it is a move in the right direction. The arrangement and outreach have been so comprehensive that they did not leave out anyone. The whole nation can – if they choose to – take ownership of the process. The only shortcoming, in my humble opinion, is the fact that instead of contracting the Gambia Radio and Television Services (GRTS), they contracted QTV. The state broadcaster should be the first point of call for all services of state institutions- if they have the expertise and equipment to do it.

The second reason the government needs to be commended is the setting up of a Constitutional Review Commission. Again, everyone agrees that the 1997 Constitution, though a good drift initially, underwent so many amendments that one will not be wrong to say that it lost its lustre.

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It was for that reason that the government needed to quickly set up a commission to review it with a view to repealing all bad laws and inserting ones that are in line with modern and current democratic principles. Also, draft a constitution that will give more rights and freedoms to the citizen. This will entrench our nascent democracy and bring us development.

And since inception, the CRC has been so transparent and inclusive that one cannot but praise their commitment to the work they have been given. It is inclusive and transparent and everyone in the country can be proud of it. Citizens are therefore urged to engage them and take part in their activities.
Together we can build a better nation!

Musa Bah



Gambia Government must stop deportation of citizens from Europe!

Dear editor,

The Gambia Government must engage the German Government to stop the deportation of Gambians! Just because Dictatorship ended in The Gambia does not mean opportunities flow around. Gambians fled the Dictatorship because of economic and political strangulation!
Sending back Gambians is to subject countless families to poverty. Furthermore sending back thousands of Gambians only to face unemployment and poor services when they had already spent all their life savings poses a direct threat to national security!
If the EU is fishing in our waters and paying us pittance then The Gambia Government must ensure that our youths who are already in Europe due to economic and political exploitation remain there. Let Germany provide skills development for our citizens and integrate them into the German and European economy!
Part of the reason for our poverty is due to the unfair economic relationship that Europe imposed between us and them such as the fishing contract. Hence they must take part of the responsibility to uplift our people out of poverty! Let The Barrow Government demonstrate leadership and stand on the side of its citizens in Europe!
The Minister of Foreign Affairs must act! Now!

Madi Jobarteh

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