Every day it is becoming more apparent that every person should work hard to ensure self-reliance. This should be in terms of nutrition, skillful labour, economic activities and employment. One cannot base all of one’s hopes on others.
When it comes to nations, this is even more so. It has been observed that some nations wish to depend on bigger and more prosperous ones, but this is not a good way for a country to survive. Every nation is endowed with resources from which they should survive.
Without a doubt, the most important resources any nation can be or is bestowed upon is its human resources. Thus every nation must work hard to make sure that it invests wisely in its human resources. If the people of a country are educated properly, and given the skills and tools with which to develop themselvs, then that nation will succeed.
The Gambia has the duty and responsibility to invest in its citizens so that they will be in a position to work hard and realise their dreams here at home. This is what will enable them not be enamoured by anything they see outside.
For the past few years, migration has been a problem to not only for developing countries but also for developed countries whose people are agitating for more protection of their rights. Many western politicians are now looking at ways to close their borders in order to control the flow of migrants whom citizens see as takers-of-jobs.
Recently, it was announced by the government of The Gambia that the United States government is planning to deport about three thousand Gambians because of their illegal status there. This, if not managed well, could be catastrophic for the peace and tranquility of the country.
It may have a negative impact on the society as it has the potential of seeing crime rates go high. Whatever measures are to be taken may only be for short term solutions. There is a need for long term solutions and one of the ways to do that is to invest in the youths and give them skills and employability here at home.
A lot of work needs to be done on this front.