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Mastering the art of urgency in the modern workplace

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By John S. Morlu II, CPA

Once upon a time, in the chaotic, buzzing labyrinth of corporate jungles and cubicle kingdoms, two legends emerged—not mythical beings or caped superheroes, but regular, everyday office warriors. They didn’t leap tall buildings or wear suits of armor, yet their actions and choices had the power to make or break their companies. Meet Team Member A, the Tortoise, and Team Member B, the Hare—two icons whose work philosophies couldn’t have been more different if they were characters in a fable written by the corporate gods themselves.

Where the Tortoise moved with the serene pace of someone who thought deadlines were optional and coffee breaks essential, the Hare tore through tasks like every second was a sprint to the finish line. Their contrasting approaches to work transformed even the most mundane assignments into gripping dramas that could rival the tension of your favorite reality TV show—complete with last-minute saves, nail-biting deadlines, and jaw-dropping moments of triumph and failure. Yet, beneath the chaos, there were lessons—profound and universal—about the art of urgency and the delicate balance between thoughtfulness and speed.

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This isn’t just another retelling of an old fable. It’s an insightful journey through the modern workplace, where the Tortoise and the Hare serve as living, breathing archetypes for the daily struggle of getting things done. From missed opportunities to high-flying successes, their stories hold the key to mastering the often elusive, yet crucial, skill of urgency. So grab your coffee (or energy drink) and buckle up—you’re about to dive into a tale where time, action, and results are the real heroes, and where you’ll discover whether it pays to be slow and steady, or fast and furious.

The Proposal Predicament: Friday to Monday

Picture this: It’s Friday morning, and the company receives an urgent request to submit a game-changing proposal to not one, but two high-stakes clients. This wasn’t just a “slap your logo on it and hit send” kind of deal. This proposal had the power to unlock opportunities so golden, it was practically glowing. Naturally, the Tortoise, believing in the old adage “slow and steady wins the race,” took this as a sign to enter Zen mode. “There’s plenty of time,” said the Tortoise. “I’ll meditate on this proposal over the weekend, perfect it on Monday… maybe Tuesday.”

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The Hare, however, saw the blinking email as the bat signal. Cue the Rocky montage. That weekend, while the Tortoise was probably perfecting their Netflix queue, the Hare was burning the midnight oil. By Monday morning, the Hare had not only finished the proposal, but had personally delivered it to the clients’ inboxes (no small feat in an era of infinite spam filters).

By Tuesday, the Tortoise strolled in with their unedited draft, casually asking for more “brainstorming” sessions. But guess what? The ship had already sailed. The proposal was signed, sealed, and practically delivered by the Hare. Urgency? Check. Victory lap? Happening.

The Product Launch Fiasco: One Sprint Ahead

Next up, the company was preparing for a huge product launch, something that could either solidify the brand as the Beyoncé of its industry or leave it as an opening act forgotten in the shuffle. Once again, the Tortoise was put in charge of coordinating the marketing materials. Thinking they had all the time in the world, they decided to prioritize… well, just about everything else. “There’s no rush,” they said, as they leisurely reviewed designs like a retired art critic in a museum.

Meanwhile, the Hare’s motto was simple: “The early bird doesn’t just get the worm; it owns the whole farm.” Before the Tortoise could say “I’ll get to it later,” the Hare had finalized content, approved designs, and even set up a full launch strategy. When launch day arrived, the Hare was a blur of energy, orchestrating a flawless debut while basking in the glow of strong initial sales. The Tortoise? Still waiting for approval on the font choice.

The Client Proposal: Hurry or Hibernate

And then, the Holy Grail of business opportunities came along: a major client wanted a proposal, ASAP. The stakes were sky-high. The reward? Potentially a year’s worth of revenue wrapped in a big red bow.

Naturally, the Tortoise wanted to, well, think it over. “We need to gather the data, chew it thoughtfully, and savor the details,” they muttered, probably over an artisanal latte. Days passed. The clock ticked louder. The deadline was looming like a villain in a suspense film.

Enter the Hare. Like a caffeinated superhero, the Hare swooped in, organized a team, and turned out a proposal that sparkled like it was dipped in glitter. Client? Impressed. Contract? Secured. The Tortoise’s careful, slow approach? It might have won the client’s respect, but it sure didn’t win the deal.

The Budget Review Brouhaha: Fast Forward

Then there was the budget. Ah, the sacred annual task of reviewing finances for the coming year. The Tortoise, ever the sage of time mismanagement, treated the budget review like a fine wine—something to be slowly sipped, savored, and swirled. Meetings were scheduled, then rescheduled. Approvals were delayed, because, well, there was always tomorrow, right?

Not in the Hare’s world. In the blink of an eye (or at least a few efficient hours), the Hare had reviewed the numbers, collaborated with the department heads, and delivered a rock-solid financial plan. When the new fiscal year started, the company was already in full swing, while the Tortoise was still stuck in last year’s meeting notes.

The Crisis Commotion: Hustle or Bust

One day, disaster struck. No, not just a simple email server outage—a critical system failure. Customers were fuming, operations were in chaos, and the sky was metaphorically falling.

The Tortoise? Cool as a cucumber. In fact, so cool that they decided to assess every possible angle before taking action. “Let’s not be hasty,” they said, as the company’s reputation began resembling Swiss cheese (full of holes).

Luckily, the Hare understood the assignment. Without breaking a sweat, the Hare assembled a crisis team, initiated a quick fix, and sent heartfelt apologies to clients, all while working on a long-term solution. The moral? In a crisis, you either hop to it or hop out of the way.

The Innovation Initiative: Think Fast or Fall Flat

Finally, the company launched an innovation initiative—a chance for employees to submit game-changing ideas. This was Shark Tank for the office, and the rewards were real. The Tortoise, ever cautious, took weeks to refine their groundbreaking idea. They asked for feedback, then more feedback, and by the time they were ready to submit, the initiative was wrapping up.

Meanwhile, the Hare had already submitted multiple ideas, some of which were now in the works. Was everyone a masterpiece? Maybe not. But the Hare understood that in business, timing is everything. The Tortoise’s amazing idea? Too late to matter.

The Final Lesson: Urgency is Your Secret Sauce

And so, dear reader, we come to the moral of our corporate fable—the eternal duel between the Tortoise and the Hare lives on in offices around the globe. Sure, slow and steady might win the occasional race when it comes to perfecting a recipe or perhaps untangling a ball of yarn. But in today’s fast-paced workplace, where deadlines zoom by faster than a double-shot espresso, slow and steady won’t cut it.

To thrive in this high-speed jungle, you need more than just careful planning—you need a dash of hare-like urgency. A willingness to spring into action, even when you’re not 100% sure where the finish line is. You need energy—enough to turn obstacles into stepping stones and hesitation into bold decisions. Add a healthy portion of “let’s get this done now” mentality, and you’ll be ready to take on the business world like a caffeinated, results-driven superhero.

But here’s the real kicker: leadership isn’t just about fancy titles or endless meetings—it’s about making things happen. It’s about taking action, creating momentum, and turning ideas into outcomes. No one ever made history by sitting on their hands, waiting for the perfect moment.

So, the next time you catch yourself staring at an email, thinking, “Eh, this can wait until tomorrow,” pause and ask yourself: What would the Hare do? Then, without missing a beat—hop to it. Because in the end, it’s not about who started the race but who’s sprinting to the finish line with urgency, passion, and a sense of humor.


John Morlu II, CPA is the CEO and Chief Strategist of JS Morlu, leads a globally recognized public accounting and management consultancy firm. Under his visionary leadership, JS Morlu has become a pioneer in developing cutting-edge technologies across B2B, B2C, P2P, and B2G verticals. The firm’s groundbreaking innovations include AI-powered reconciliation software (ReckSoft.com) and advanced cloud accounting solutions (FinovatePro.com), setting new industry standards for efficiency, accuracy, and technological excellence.

JS Morlu LLC is a top-tier accounting firm based in Woodbridge, Virginia, with a team of highly experienced and qualified CPAs and business advisors. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive accounting, tax, and business advisory services to clients throughout the Washington, D.C. Metro Area and the surrounding regions. With over a decade of experience, we have cultivated a deep understanding of our clients’ needs and aspirations. We recognize that our clients seek more than just value-added accounting services; they seek a trusted partner who can guide them towards achieving their business goals and personal financial well-being.

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