27 C
City of Banjul
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Modou Turo’s NGO disburses half-a-million dalasis to Christians, others

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Speaking at the presentation ceremony held at the organisation’s headquarters yesterday evening, VDF senior programme officer Modou Lamin Jagne said the intervention was one among a series aimed at enhancing the lives and work of beneficiaries, while enhancing their ability to help themselves and contribute to national development.

“The donation includes 50 bags of rice and 50 cartons of beverages. It also includes cheques for students at MDI, the university, government departments, NGOs and our fellow Christians so that they too can have a merry Christmas. We hope this will contribute in promoting the spirit of tolerance, peace and stability in the country,” he added.

For his part, Tango executive director, Ousman Yarboe, whose organisation is one of the beneficiaries enunciated: “I am one of those fortunate individuals who have witnessed such an occasion on several occasions where Mr Modou Turo Darboe and his organisation are providing assistance to the needy people. Mr Darboe has always helped people especially Muslims in the ramadan from the first day to the last day. He has been involved in the construction of feeder roads, building police stations and helping government. This is the fundamental principle on which NGOs operate. As a country, we should all emulate what Mr Darboe is doing. If we had 20 to 30 people like Modou Turo Darboe, no one will go hungry in this country.” 

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On behalf of the Christian community, Reginald John of Christ Church expressed thanks and gratitude to Mr Darboe for the gesture, stating that “the donated items will go a long way in helping members of our Christian community. This means a lot to us.”

In a brief statement, the VDF benefactor, Mr Darboe urged Mr John and the Christians of The Gambia to pray for the maintenance of peace in The Gambia.


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