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City of Banjul
Saturday, September 7, 2024

NAMs should give franchise Diaspora

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Dear editor,

First and foremost, it’s the right of every Gambian to vote and to be voted for according to the 1997 Constitution. The constitution did not make any distinction between the Gambians and those living in the Gambia. It is the former APRC regime under the leadership of Yahya Jammeh which deprived Gambians living in Diaspora from voting which is against their constitutional right. In this regard, the need to guarantee their franchise as there is no room for discrimination as far as constitution is concern. Section 33 of the 1997 Constitution makes it vivid about the equality before the law, this is a food for thought that no Gambian shall be discriminated directly or indirectly for demanding equal write and justice.

Moreover, we are not interested in repeating the past mistake of the former dictator of APRC government who mistakenly believes that Gambia and her resources are his property. We should stand on our feet to defend every letter and spirit of the constitution, the fundamental law of the land which guards everyone.

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Some said constitution is not a Qur’an and who told them it is a Qur’an? We are saying let us respect it and if you agree to this there is no need to say such. Constitution and holy Qur’an are incomparable. In fact those who said such are the ones who do not respect the constitution.

To conclude, I am not an opposition. A private member bill could be introduced by any member in the National Assembly or cabinet could prepare a bill and table it before the deputies for a debate about franchise for Gambians outside. I am hopeful that the bill is going to pass by the majority in the House by the will of God. Democracy is a human phenomenon; it does not come from the West as some people think. One who has best practice is the champion of democracy whether white or black.

I am not an opposition, I have sacrificed my life to make sure that former president Jammeh is uprooted from power for the benefit of all Gambians and non Gambians. I have been moving from one political bureau of opposition to another negotiating with their leaders about unity well before the convention. I had the opportunity to talk to some of them by telephone. The call was all about unity because without unity there cannot be coalition and without coalition it would be extremely difficult to remove Jammeh from power. To be candid most of them had listened to me due to my approach and how I talked to them.

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During my movement, I had taken the risk because I could be abducted and disappeared or arrested since my intention was to get the rid of Jammeh. When the opposition parties came together and formed the coalition, I campaigned for coalition candidate Adama Barrow, now President Barrow, directly and indirectly. In fact I coordinated the coalition rally in my village Jakaba in Niani with the people there at the grass root level and it was successful. In addition, I had been struggling for a change since 2010. We do have a meeting in my house in Brikama together with Alagie S. Darboe, NAM for Brikama North for UDP, Fabakary Trawally of PDOIS and Lamin Jatta, to name a few as a pressure group initiated by me.

In the same vein, I initiated a similar pressure group in 2016 advocating for change which Karalang Jaiteh was a member.

Kebba Drammeh

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