31.2 C
City of Banjul
Sunday, October 20, 2024


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By Omar Bah

Political and human rights activist, Pa Samba Jow, has described the confirmation of Fabakary Tombong Jatta and Seedy Njie as Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly as a “mockery” to former president Jammeh’s victims.

“There is no greater insult to the memories of the victims of Jammeh than for President Barrow to nominate Seedy Njie and Fabakary Tombong Jatta who abated and sanctioned Jammeh’s raping, imprisonment, torture, exiling and killing of innocent Gambians,” Jow said in an audio shared with The Standard.

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He also accused Barrow of continuing to “hobnob” with these individuals who were not guided by their conscience during the political impasse in 2016.

“What Adama Barrow has done for the past 5- 6 years is nothing but to insult the victims because what he has done and continues to do is hobnobbing with those who violated the rights of Gambians with impunity. This is nothing but a slap and an insult to the many victims and their families,” he said.

Jow said when Jammeh was brutalising Gambians, the likes of FTJ and Seedy “could have done something about it but they chose to remain silent and even condoned his actions. 

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 “During the impasse and for the first time in the history of this country, Gambians were forced to leave this country to other countries as asylees and the two prime players in that apart from Jammeh were Seedy Njie who was the mouthpiece of Jammeh’s defiance and attempt to usurp power and Fabakary Tombong Jatta who was then the majority leader who tabled a bill to seek the declaration of a State of Emergency to allow Jammeh to steal the will of the Gambian people,” Pa Samba stressed.

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