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City of Banjul
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sofanyama car crash: 5 released, 2 in stable condition

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Hospital officials confirmed that two more militants are still being admitted. Sainabou Manka is recuperating at EFSTH while Agi Fatou Jeng, who was flown to Dakar was said to be in critical but stable condition. 

The Chief Medical Director at EFSTH, Dr Muhammed Ammar Al-Jafari, told The Standard: “The total number of patients we received was 13. But after the accident, four people died on the spot. The fifth passed away after one hour in the hospital; he had a major head injury. After that, we were left with seven cases. One case is very critical and the six cases are stable. The other one had fracture on the back and needed an operation. This kind of operation is very critical and cannot be done in The Gambia. The president flew him to Dakar for further treatment.”

He said further that he had received a telephone call from Dakar about the operation of the patient evacuated to Dakar; that she is in a stable condition. 

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“We are doing our best to see that their conditions improve,” Dr Al-Jafari said, commending the president, vice president and the cabinet for their support since the accident happened.

Meanwhile, those released Tuesday were Modou Sillah, Amadou Njie, Lamin Baldeh, Ebrima Jallow, and Pa Sait Mboob. 

The National Youth Mobiliser for the APRC, Mr Babou Gaye Sonko, who visited the patients at the hospital said: “It is unfortunate that the tragedy happened when I was away and I will not do just if I do not start by thanking the president for taking ownership of everything that happened during that period. He knows that we are his children and he took it as a father-child relationship. He has come out and done everything humanly possible to make sure that those who lost their lives were properly taken care of and to make sure those that were seriously injured were put under the total care of the state.

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“It is a national tragedy and people took it as a national issue. It is a great loss to us but we appreciate the effort of every individual in one way or the other. Whatever happens is the will of God and that will not detract us from being patriotic and loyal militants. In fact, those who are at the hospital, whenever I visit them, they are still reaffirming their commitment, support and loyalty to the leadership. This shows you that APRC militants, particularly the youth folk are very sincere.” 

He continued: “I understand that when this accident happened, the president sent a special delegation to all families, followed by the delegation of the vice president. The youth folk also sent a delegation and when we returned, as mobilisers, we went and paid our condolences to each of the families. They accepted that it is God’s making and that did not even change an iota in their loyalty, sincerity and support to the leadership.”

Amadou Njie, a victim of the crash and a native of Banjul confirmed that he had recovered. Expressing similar sentiments, Modou Sillah, also a victim, reaffirmed his loyalty to President Jammeh and his government.


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