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Saturday, July 27, 2024

100 years of Communist Party of China

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By Foday Sambou Ceesay

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Founded in 1921, led by Chairman Mao Zedong, from the onset CPC has been committed to the same ambition and task of seeking happiness for the Chinese people and to maintain one China policy. The aspiration and mission of CPC made it to achieve the 100 years anniversary.

China past through different challenges, including economic recession, poverty, wars, pandemic, hunger and starvation, scansions etc.  However; none of the above have distract the CPC from its aspirations and mission. In-fact CPC had overcome all the above-mentioned challenges.  The Communist Party of China had sacrificed everything to achieve what china is celebrating today.  

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China’s economy today

The CPC has been central to the development of China, which is now the world’s second-largest economy and the first developing country to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal on poverty eradication.

China has also left indelible footprints through technological advancements in such areas as military power, artificial intelligence, medical research, e-commerce and infrastructure development

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According to The World Bank report on Economic Prospects, China’s GDP is leading world economic recovery by 8.5 percent growth in 2021.

The same report indicated that; ‘the global economy is expected expand 5.6 percent in 2021, with emerging markets and developing economies growing at 6.0 percent. However, the developing economies continue to struggle with the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath, said the World Bank, adding that their rebound is anticipated to be a more modest 4.4 percent, excluding China’.

The report suggested that China will have the highest GDP growth in 2021 above all other so called Developed countries. This is a very significant achievement by CPC and worth of celebration to the challenges

According to the World Bank, the US economy is forecasted to expand 6.8 percent in 2021 from a 3.5 percent contraction in 2020, while India economy is expected to grow 8.3 percent from a low base of 7.3 percent negative growth in 2020. Global Times Published: Jun 08, 2021.

In 2020, China reached 101.6 trillion RMB in GDP, with the per capita exceeding 10,000 USD. Its economy, technology, and overall national strength have advanced to a new level. With its people living a considerably happier life, China brings about the historic achievement of building a moderately prosperous society. A country cannot prosper without a capable political party, and a political party cannot grow without strong leaders. China’s success is essentially attributable to the CPC’s solid leadership that guides the course.

Poverty alleviation

Since he assumed the leadership of CPC in 2012, Xi Jinping and his comrades have been well aware of the need to reposition their socialist theories in line with the changes of the times and the concurrent priorities and initiatives. CPC never forgets the great initiative of its internal development. It has constantly improved its organization, ideology, discipline, conduct and personnel to enhance its creativity, solidarity and productivity. The Party keeps the anti-corruption campaign going and exercises strict discipline on all fronts to always keep abreast of the times and serve as the backbone of all the Chinese people. As General Secretary Xi pointed out, “It takes a good blacksmith to make good steel. China’s success hinges on the CPC, and especially on the principle that the CPC should supervise its own conduct and abide in full by the code of discipline.”

After 8 years of hard work, 832 impoverished counties as well as 128,000 villages have been removed from the poverty list, and nearly 100 million poor rural residents have risen above the poverty line. Overall regional poverty and extreme poverty are now things of the past in 2021dipites the COVID-19 challenges.

CPC’s view about world peace

CPC is committed to the progress of mankind. The Party believes that peace and development are the trending themes of the times. China will answer the call for peace, development and win-win cooperation, and remain committed to world peace, global development and international order. China stands ready to work with all the other countries for an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that features lasting peace, universal security and common prosperity. As General Secretary Xi pointed out, “The future of each and every nation and country is interlocked. We should sail in the same boat, share weal and woe, endeavor to build this planet of ours into a single harmonious family, and turn people’s aspiration for a better life into reality. The CPC takes an open attitude for more exchanges in governance experience with political parties of other countries. It also welcomes dialogue with different civilizations to enhance strategic trust. China will join hands with people in all countries to build a community with a shared future and a better world!”

CPC’s fight against hunger and starvation

During the early days of CPC, chines population had gone through hunger and starvation in which thousands of chines men and women died as a result of hunger. However, with determination of the past and present leadership of CPC china now has one of the best agricultural system and produces.

These are some facts and figures offer a glimpse into what the CPC has achieved in advancing agriculture, rural development and poverty alleviation in 2020.

Agriculture serves as the prop of the Chinese economy, with the value-added output of the primary industry rising 2.3 percent year-on-year to 4.81 trillion yuan (about $734.9 billion) in the first three quarters of 2020.

China saw its 17th consecutive bumper year in 2020, with grain output up 0.9 percent year-on-year to nearly 670 billion kg in 2020. This marks the sixth consecutive year the country’s total grain production has exceeded 650 billion kg. Just to mention few. This shows that the Communist party of China has something celebrate.

Pragmatic leadership of CPC

China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a strategy initiated by the People’s Republic of China that seeks to connect Asia with Africa and Europe via land and maritime networks with the aim of improving regional integration, increasing trade and stimulating economic growth.

The name was coined in 2013 by China’s President Xi Jinping, who drew inspiration from the concept of the Silk Road established during the Han Dynasty 2,000 years ago – an ancient network of trade routes that connected China to the Mediterranean via Eurasia for centuries. The BRI has also been referred to in the past as ‘One Belt One Road’.

According to, Jonathan E. Hillman: Senior Fellow, Economics Program, and Director, Reconnecting Asia Project. ‘The BRI is the most ambitious geo-economic vision in recent history. Spanning some 70 countries, it can claim to cover more than two-thirds of the world’s population. It could include Chinese investments approaching $4 trillion.1 It intends to strengthen hard infrastructure with new roads and railways, soft infrastructure with trade and transportation agreements, and even cultural ties with university scholarships and other people-to-people exchanges. In all these ways, when much of the West is looking inward, China is connecting with the world’

The BRI has been associated with a very large program of investments in infrastructure development for ports, roads, railways and airports, as well as power plants and telecommunications networks. Since 2019, Chinese state-led BRI lending volumes have been in decline. The BRI now places increasing emphasis on “high quality investment”, including through greater use of project finance, risk mitigation tools, and green finance. Thanks to leadership of CPC and foresight of the Party’s Secretary General President Xi Jinping.

As Peking University Dongfang Scholarship alumni, I wish to take this opportunity to congratulate Secretary General of the Communist Party of China Xi Jinping, the central Committee leadership, the entire membership of CPC and the People’s Republic of China on the anniversary of 100 years of existence and tremendous developmental achievement registered by the party.

However; the Dongfang Scholarship program has given me the opportunity explore China and witness first-hand information about China’s Infrastructural development, Technological advancement, Agricultural innovation, the booming economy, people centered governance etc.  

In addition to the above; I had memorable time at Peking University where I interacted with many scholars from different countries and learn from well-grounded professors of all fields of study.  Thanks to the CPC and the Peoples’ Republic of China.

Long live CPC, long live Gambia-China relations.

Foday Sambou Ceesay, Peking University Dongfang Scholar 2020.    

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