31.2 C
City of Banjul
Monday, October 21, 2024

Africell, FaBB stage cancer awareness walk

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By Lamin Cham

Leading GSM company Africell on Saturday joined hands with the First Lady’s FaBB foundation to stage a 4-kilomter walk to raise awareness about breast cancer.
The event was technically supported by the Walk For Health Association, a well-established organisation that holds regular walk events to promote fitness and health.
Led by the First Lady Fatoumatatta Barrow, the column of walkers trooped to Westfield, Iceman and back to Africell via Kanifing.
The First Lady addressed the gathering with an inspiring advise for regular and proper screening to be promoted to ensure early detection of cancer in general. ”Cancer sufferers should not be left to fight alone,” she said.
The CEO OF Africell Hussien Diab (Sine) thanked the First Lady for coming to the ground herself to take part in the event. He said the fight against cancer is everyone’s business and all Gambians must fight it to achieve zero cancer in the country.
The Nigerian contingent of Ecomig and the Gambia Armed Forces took part in the walk as did dozens of volunteers.

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