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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Big Faa asks NPP to pay up D900, 000 concert tickets money

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By Tabora Bojang

Gambian rapper Musa Gaye alias Big Faa has asked the National Peoples Party to pay a balance of D900,000 being part of 5000 concert tickets they purchased on promissory. 

The singer told The Standard that he met President Adama Barrow during his 2021 tour at Jarra Soma and informed him about his album launch last November, and the president pledged to buy 5000 tickets after performing at the meeting.

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“He [the president] then told me to give the tickets to Dou Sanno and I gave Sanno 5000 tickets, each costing D200. I was told they are going to pay me the money later because it is about a million dalasi. As the presidential election approached, Henry Gomez [Barrow’s deputy youth adviser] called me to his office and gave me D100,000 and promised that they are going to pay the remaining D900,000 after the election,” Big Faa claimed.

He further alleged Henry told him that they were also going to facilitate a meeting between him and the president. “I took the money [D100, 000] and left the office and since then, I never heard from anyone despite numerous follow-ups,” Big Faa explained.

“I even took up the matter with Bakary Badjie, the Minister of Youth and Sports but until today, nothing worked,” he added.

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When contacted, Dou Sanno accused Big Faa of attempting to play a 419 game on the president and warned that he may be tempted to pursue legal actions against the rapper.

“If Big Faa is in a dire strait of money, let him go and look for it elsewhere. President Barrow did not ask him to give me 5000 tickets. Barrow only told him to come and see me and he came with 5 packets of tickets, although I did not know how many tickets were there.

I instructed him to give one packet to one guy and the rest to Ounda Nyang, the NPP chairman for KM.

They gave one packet to the guy but did not give the rest to Ounda and went ahead to sell the 4 packets of tickets by themselves. The D100,000 was paid for the packet of tickets delivered to the person I directed them to. So why would Big Faa come out to mislead people by claiming one million dalasi? If Big Faa continues to make such allegations, I will personally take legal action against him,” Sanno warned.

The Standard also contacted Henry Gomez, who confirmed meeting Big Faa in his office through one Tamsir Ann, President Barrow’s adviser on National Assembly Matters.

According to Henry, he only intervened in the case to maintain peace among the disputing parties.

“I did not call him to the office and I did not give him the money by my hands. Big Faa came to my office through Tamsir Ann, who told him that he was going to talk to the president to find a solution to this problem. So, I think the money was given to Tamsir to hand it over to Big Faa,” Henry said.

He gave no further details.

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