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Friday, July 26, 2024

Bubacarr Senghore, KMC mayoral aspirant

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With Alagie Manneh

Tell us who Bubacarr Senghore is
I was born in Serekunda, amongst the first generation of London Corner children on 17 June 1962 from a Niuminka father from a village in Niombato called Medina near Toubakuta in Senegal; a very religious Muslim village. Their occupation is mostly farming and fishing; the village got a reputation of producing very renowned Islamic scholars. My father Alh Mathar Senghore was one of them who followed his elder brother to Serekunda with ambition.

We found him with a “dara” teaching Qur’an and doing trading to earn living. My mother, Aja Amiyaye Jobe is among the great grand daughters of the founding father of Serekunda, Sayerr Ndabaw Jobe of blessed memory. She is the elder of the present Alkali Alh Sidi Jobe and others; a very big family that sees themselves as a nation based on the wishes of Mam Sayerr.

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I am married; with a family of seven. I am very much interested in reading, research, sports and developments.
I started early education at dara but I didn’t complete because I was sent to Banjul for forml education at Ecole Francais (foiyar) up to 1977; then Wesley primary school in 1979; Crab Island secondary school in 1982. After which I got involved in development work and research which I benefited from many courses and training both locally and internationally. It also exposed me to history, African literature and politics through personal research at Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar Senegal; Legon University Ghana and ideological studies at the international green institute in Libya, post graduate diploma in public administration 2017/2018.

That’s an interesting resume, how about politics?
I am born a social worker, humanitarian, philanthropist and a peace maker. I joined the movement for justice in Africa/Gambia at age 18 because I motivated by the inequality because education was a privilege not a right to all Gambians. I was also part of the Organ of the Revolutionary Students (ORS), Gambia National Union of Students NUGS, All Africa Students Union (AASU) in solidarity with South Africans in their struggle against apartheid. I was one of the initiators of the Gambia Anti Apartheid Movement 1986-1990.

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Many aspirants use their track record in public service as a tool to convince voters that they are the right choice, have you been involved in any development work that could give you an edge in this race?
Yes, definitely. I am among the initiators of many nongovernmental organisations that contributed significantly in education, women and youth empowerment, provision of potable drinking water to many villages in West Coast Region, LRR and NBR.

I felt the disparities between the haves and the have-nots, the level of poverty and underdevelopment within the masses of the Gambian people at an early age. This motivated me to join the ranks of the progressives; those who wanted to change the system; those who were for the defence of the interest of the poor by changing lives of ordinary people in Africa. I was amongst the first initiators of the July 22nd movement in 1994 as a civilian organisation for the transitional government that constituted of all types of characters from the society intellectuals, politicians, youths, lumpens etc. My experience also made me a member of the then national consultative committee (NCC), representing the youths during the military transitional government. In 1999 I served as assistant commissioner in the Upper River Division (URD); 2000-2002 vice chairman (deputy mayor) Kanifing Municipality but I voluntarily resigned to contest the Serekunda Central seat on the APRC ticket. I marginally lost to Halifa Sallah by 440 votes but this was due to infighting in APRC.


Why do you want to become KMC mayor?
Experience is the best teacher and it is an asset. I am passionate about development and unity of my people, taking note of the prayers of our fore fathers in the municipality. My principal objective is to contribute to make the municipality a modern, vibrant and resourceful council that will deliver the necessary services to the people.


Can you deliver in this job?
Oh yes, I want to mainstream development and progress. I will make decisions that will have a longterm positive impact on the performance of the council, especially on strategy and financial management but actually we need a management team that will be able to pull in resources, co-ordinate value adding activities and effective control and utilisation of resources for the pursuit of realising our campaign objectives. This will not isolate the private sector and development partners coordinated by the central government through its ministries, agencies and departments. In Shaa Allah our people will be happy.


I understand you are the most experienced politician among the lot
Oh yes, not only experienced but resolute, strategic and productive. I have lots of energy and stamina for development works. I have been in it for nearly forty years (40) to serve humanity. I personally dislike telling lies and giving promises that I cannot fulfill; people can attest to that. I have sacrificed many times for the interest of the people; I have encountered so many hardships in the process of serving my people which is today history but time will tell. I am armed with the weapon of honesty and modesty to guide me in this venture as usual.


What is your vision for the people of KM?
A vision of a modern, vibrant and resourceful council that will deliver the necessary services to the people of the community in particular and The Gambia at large, with a human face and dignity.

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