'Female Circumciser Lays Down Her Tools' Before downing her tools, this circumciser, Divinah Murkomen, aged 50 circumcised 500 of the 800 girls circumcised in Marakwet District in December 1999. She put down her tools - a knife and a razor blade -- at the encouragement of NGOs like World Vision, who enlightened her on the myriad hazards associated with FGM.
Female circumcision is a deeply rooted cultural practice in Kenya. World Vision Kenya has developed an alternative initiation ceremony that maintains the important period of older women sharing their knowledge and advice with the young girl, without genital mutilation taking place. For twenty years, the women of the Tot region in Kenya have called on Divinah Murkomen to circumcise their daughters. Now Divinah has renounced her trade and insists her two younger daughters will not be circumcised.