25.2 C
City of Banjul
Friday, July 26, 2024

CRC told to abolish death penalty

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By Baba Sillah

Officials of the Constitutional Review Commission were told by communities in the North Bank Region to remove the death penalty from the constitution. The CRC team is on a nationwide tour to sensitise people on the drafting of the new constitution.
Addressing the officials after explaining their mission, the elders said the CRC must use the fresh opportunity to cleanse The Gambia of the bad laws that were used by the past regime to oppress the very people they were created to protect.

The sensitisation tour, which will last for two weeks, is aimed at enlightening the public and also to enable the officials to hear and share ideas with them as well as to explain how the public will be involved in order to take ownership of the initiative.
Issues of presidential term limit, age limit, citizenship and electoral reform also prominently featured during the discussions.

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The tour continues.

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