The poor guy doesn’t seem to have a clue of what the word politicking means, and still he is supposed to be the Head of State. This ”Head” is more active in covering his own interests than anything else. It seems as the closer to the presidential election we come, the more desperate are the means. The Gambia is supposed to be a democracy, but perhaps we should begin to spell that word a bit differently and call it a democrazy? In these modern times we are expecting from a Head of State to be enlighted and keeping himself updated when it comes to the state of his country.
It is too obvious that President Barrow has no interest in the citizens of his country. He is not bothered by complaints about poor healthcare, high living expenses, farmers who don’t get fertilizers and other issues that are too boring to care about. Instead Barrow is politicking, himself, to make sure that he will have enough people who will vote for him in December 4.
If President Barrow for some reason would be interested in learning something new; this is what I found in one of the dictionaries online:
”Politics (from Greek: politiká, ‘affairs of the cities’) is the set of activities that are associated with making decisions in groups, or other forms of power relations between individuals, such as the distribution of resources or status.”
The first known democracy in the world was in Athens, Greece. Athenian democracy developed around the fifth century B.C.
(Before Christ) The Greek idea of democracy was different from present-day democracy because, in Athens, all adult citizens were required to take an active part in the government.
The ancient Greeks were the first to create a democracy. The word “democracy” comes from two Greek words that mean people (demos) and rule (kratos). Democracy is the idea that the citizens of a country should take an active role in the government of their country and manage it directly or through elected representatives. In addition, it supports the idea that the people can replace their government through peaceful transfer of power rather than violent uprising or revolution. Thus, a key part of democracy is that the people have a voice.
The following part needs to be repeated:
“Democracy is the idea that the citizens of a country should take an active role in the government of their country and manage it directly or through elected representatives.”
This is very easy to understand and this is what Gambians have been fighting for. This is even what too many have sacrificed their lives for, and President Barrow is trying to put an end to it. In his delusional mind he believes that you voted FOR him, when you actually voted AGAINST Jammeh! The 3 Years Jotna movement should be extended to 5 Years Jotna, because this madness must stop!
The State House has become a place where political ideas grow without control. A democratically elected president is slowly transforming to a dictator. Are you not scared? Are you still so used to being used so you don’t wake up until it is too late? Can’t you read the signs? Can’t you see where this is heading?
President Barrow held a speech where he said that he will stop the politicking when he has won the election. He will tell the IGP to not allow any kind of demonstration. Since when did the IGP become his puppet? Look at what Barrow is doing, he believes that the police force and surely the military is there to be his vassals. With a snap of his fingers he wishes to direct them and forces them to follow his orders.
In the Middle Ages, the king had several vassals who helped him to rule his country. These vassals were completely loyal to their king, they followed him into war and for their services the vassals got privileges like land, property and money.
The Gambia is not in war, President Barrow is not a king, The Gambia is not his kingdom but it looks like he has begun to consider it as such. Are you not scared? Are you still so used to being used so you don’t wake up until it is too late? Can’t you read the signs? Can’t you see where this is heading?
President Barrow wishes to restrict what he calls the politicking so the government can keep on working. Mr Barrow is not an educated man and he doesn’t seem to have learned a lot during this mandate period. Politics includes everything in our society, from the smallest decisions to the largest. We make political decisions in the family when we try to figure out how to stretch the income to as much as possible. We make political decisions when neighbours go together to mend a fence so the cows can’t destroy the crop. The hospital administration makes political decisions when they find that they need to build a new ward to care for their patients. In every decision made in our society we use politics, because politics means that we make decisions together.
The government is made by the People, it is supposed to be for the People because it is the People. Transparency is a guarantee for a democratic political process, but this is not of Barrow’s liking.
What will the next step be? Shut down all the radio stations that don’t sing his praise? Close down all the newspapers that don’t write the ”right kind” of news? Didn’t it take more than 5 years to fall back down in the dark pit of dictatorship? I have friends among the Gambian Police Force and I know how hard they work with a new and humane approach.
It feels like an insult to them to hear President Barrow’s statement.
To go back to the part that declares what the word democracy means, it says the following: ” a key part of democracy is that the people have a voice.” President Barrow is trying to silence you. Are you not scared? Are you still so used to being used so you don’t wake up until it is too late? Can’t you read the signs? Can’t you see where this is heading?
Don’t get fooled by Barrow’s position, he has high thoughts of himself but you must be smarter. He loves to praise himself and his ”achievements ”, but all he has done is to put The Gambia in deeper debt than before. People are still poor, prices are higher than ever, nothing much has become better and that is so sad. President Barrow had the opportunity to improve your lives, but he didn’t take it. He chose himself, aroused by his power, so democracy or democrazy – the choice is yours. The presidential election is in December 4. Don’t allow anyone to silence you.