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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Embracing professional ethics:A pathway to national progress

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By John Bass

As a chartered accountant, a professional trainer, and a mentor, I have had the privilege of traversing diverse landscapes and immersing myself in a myriad of cultures. Each country I visited imparted unique lessons, but one universal truth resonated deeply within me: the indispensable value of professional ethics, responsibility, and timeliness in fostering national advancement. Today, I stand before you, my fellow Gambians, to share this truth and inspire a collective commitment to these principles, for they hold the key to unlocking our nation’s full potential.

The essence of professional ethics

Professional ethics is the bedrock upon which trust, respect, and integrity are built. They are the guiding star that illuminates our path, ensuring that our actions align with the highest standards of conduct. In the professional realm, ethics demand honesty, transparency, and accountability. They compel us to act with integrity, even when no one is watching. When we all uphold these values, we can create a ripple effect, fostering an environment of trust and respect that permeates every facet of our society, The Gambia.

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Imagine a Gambia where each one, from the highest echelons of government to the humblest of professions, embraces professional ethics. In such a nation, corruption and malpractice would find no refuge, and every decision made would be in the best interest of our people. This vision is not a distant dream but an achievable reality if each one of us commits to daily ethical behaviour.

The power of responsibility and timeliness

Responsibility is the acknowledgment that each of us has a role to play in the progress of our nation. It is the recognition that our actions, or lack thereof, have far-reaching consequences. When we embrace our responsibilities wholeheartedly, we contribute to a collective effort that propels our nation forward.

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Timeliness, on the one hand, is the embodiment of respect—respect for our commitments, colleagues, and the tasks entrusted to us. Completing our work on time is not merely about meeting deadlines; it is about honouring the trust placed in us and ensuring the seamless functioning of our institutions.

When we neglect our responsibilities or fail to complete our tasks on time, we disrupt a delicate balance. The consequences of such actions are profound. Projects stall, services falter, and the wheels of progress grind to a halt. In the Gambia, where every step forward is vital for our development, such delays can be detrimental. They erode trust, breed inefficiency, and stifle the momentum needed to drive our nation toward a brighter future.

The collective effort for national development

The advancement of our beloved Gambia hinges on the concerted efforts of every citizen. It is not the sole responsibility of the government or a select few but a collective endeavour that requires the active participation of all. When each of us performs our duties with dedication and diligence, we contribute to a tapestry of progress that benefits everyone.

Consider the impact of a well-functioning healthcare system, where doctors, nurses, and support staff adhere to the highest standards of professional ethics. Patients receive timely and quality care, leading to healthier communities. Picture an education system where teachers, administrators, and students alike embrace their responsibilities. Knowledge flourishes, and our youth are empowered to shape a prosperous future.

In the business sector, when entrepreneurs, employees, and regulators commit to ethical practices and timely execution, we foster a thriving economy. Opportunities multiply, investments flow, and prosperity becomes a shared reality. Across every sector, from agriculture to technology, the principles of professional ethics, responsibility, and timeliness pave the way for sustainable development.

Moving forward together

As we stand on the threshold of progress, let us heed the call to action. Let us embrace professional ethics as our guiding principle, accept our responsibilities with unwavering commitment, and honour our obligations by completing tasks on time. In doing so, we lay a solid foundation for a resilient, prosperous, and united Gambia.

The journey ahead is not without challenges, but with each step taken in the spirit of integrity and dedication, we move closer to realizing our collective dreams. Let us be the change-makers, the torchbearers of a new era where every Gambian plays their part in building a nation, we can all be proud of.

In unity and purpose, it can be easy to advance the Gambia. Together, we can create a legacy of excellence that will inspire future generations. The time for action is now, and the power to make a difference lies within each of us. Let us rise to the occasion and propel our nation toward the greatness it deserves and that which we preach every day.

The heart of the hospital: A united front for patient care

Imagine a hospital named “MaxQ Health Center,” where the ethos of professional excellence is vividly alive. Dr. Sarah Baldeh, a seasoned surgeon, starts her day with a clear commitment to her patients. She understands that each surgical procedure she performs is not merely a job but a pivotal moment in a patient’s life. Her respect for her work is evident in her meticulous preparation and her empathetic interactions with patients and their families. Dr. Baldeh’s timely and respectful manner ensures that her patients feel valued and reassured, contributing to their overall recovery and trust in the healthcare system.

Nurse Emily Jallow complements Dr. Baldeh’s efforts with her unwavering dedication. She arrives early to review patient charts, ensuring she is fully prepared for her shifts. Nurse Jallow respects her role deeply, understanding that her timely administration of medications and compassionate care is crucial to patient outcomes. Her respectful demeanour, whether she is comforting a frightened patient or collaborating with her colleagues, fosters a positive and healing environment.

The support staff, often the unsung heroes of the hospital, play an equally vital role. Moses, a member of the janitorial team, takes immense pride in maintaining a sterile and clean environment. His respect for his work is demonstrated through his attention to detail and his prompt response to any cleaning needs. Moses’s efforts ensure that the hospital remains a safe space for both patients and healthcare workers, significantly reducing the risk of infections and creating a welcoming atmosphere.

The ripple effect of professional excellence

In this imaginary example, the seamless collaboration between Dr. Baldeh, Nurse Jallow, and Moses epitomizes the profound impact of professional ethics on society. Their dedication and respect for their respective roles create a ripple effect:

Enhanced patient outcomes: Patients at MaxQ Health Center receive top-notch care, resulting in quicker recoveries and higher satisfaction rates. The respect and timely actions of each professional contribute directly to the well-being of individuals and their families.

Workplace morale: A culture of respect and professionalism boosts morale among staff. When professionals feel their work is valued and they see their colleagues equally committed, it fosters a supportive and motivated work environment.

Public trust: The hospital’s reputation for excellence spreads within the community, reinforcing public trust in the healthcare system. People feel confident seeking medical care, knowing that they will be treated with respect and dignity.

Professional development: Professionals who respect their work and perform their duties diligently are more likely to pursue continuous learning and improvement. This commitment to growth ensures that they remain at the forefront of their fields, bringing innovative solutions to societal challenges.

A call to action

The imaginary scenario of MaxQ Health Center highlights a universal truth: when professionals in any field—be it healthcare, education, law enforcement, or public service—approach their work with respect, timeliness, and ethical integrity, they make invaluable contributions to society. They create environments where trust and cooperation flourish, paving the way for a brighter, more harmonious world.

Each professional must recognize the importance of their role and strive to perform their duties with the highest standards of excellence. This collective commitment not only advances individual sectors but also fortifies the societal fabric, ensuring that communities are resilient, compassionate, and well-equipped to face future challenges.

The author has over 20 years of work experience in different fields of finance-related areas, administration, human resource management, budgeting, audit, internal controls, compliance, risk, and corporate governance. Attended several local and international conferences. A proficient public speaker, management consultant, and professional trainer in capacity-building seminars on finance-related areas, risk, ethics, and corporate governance topics. 

He holds an MSc in Professional Accountancy from the University of London, UK, an MBA in Strategic Management from the University of South Wales, UK, and a Fellow of both the Chartered Management Institute and Association of Chartered Certified Accountants – United Kingdom. A Fellow of the Institute of Public Accountants, Australia, and a Fellow of the Institute of Financial Accountants, United Kingdom.

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