Internet laws spread across the earth
Wreaking terrible havoc among youth
Maddened by the fear of breaking the law
We login trembling, with heads held low
It’s hard, bad, sad, it’s haunting
I stare at my screen in disbelief and dismay
The story is the same, each and every day
A bunch of blocked sites pile
Upon my screen evoking bile
It’s hard, bad, sad, it’s haunting
Baffled and full of despair
I wander blindly down the path of life
My freedom shrinking as evil strive
Tears trickled down my face in a pair
I found my life quite grating
It’s hard, bad, sad, it’s worsened
By pettifogging draconian internet laws
Knocking youth about in starkly blows
Bartered, sad, I feel thoroughly beaten
And found my life quite grating
We demand to be free
Loging and logout with glee
No gloomy faces, no judge to see
But a browsing and surfing spree
That we want, that life is exciting.