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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Gambian voters give thumps up to President Barrow’s democratic credentials

Gambian voters give thumps up to President Barrow's democratic credentials

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As President Barrow continues the canvassing of votes for the 4th December presidential election, rural voters have extolled the President for his unwavering commitment to democracy and democratic governance.

Speaking at rallies in Kulari, Gambisara and Koina all in the Upper River Region (URR), several speakers expressed appreciation that they are now living and working in a country where democracy thrives and where citizens are going about their normal business without fear of being harassed.

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Speaker upon speaker hailed President Barrow for his commitment to democracy, for the maintenance of peace and stability in the country and for allowing citizens to openly express their concerns on issues affecting them which was a far fetched dream a few years ago.

To many of the speakers, President Barrow is a model democrat who deserves all the support to re-elect him back to office on December 4th 2021.

Rural voters also praised the president for the massive developments he initiated since 2017 that have brought joy to the people in the rural areas.  

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Apart from the roads and bridges built, voters have also expressed appreciation of stable electricity supply and improved water facilities for rural dwellers.

Farmers have also expressed gratitude to the president for the excellent work he is doing in the agriculture sector where areas in the Central River Region have seen expanded rice production thanks to the support received from government. 

All the speakers promised to vote massively for President Adama Barrow to enable him continue the good work he has started.

Political observers and commentators say President Adama Barrow is expected to be re-elected with a landslide majority.

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