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City of Banjul
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Gen. Bojang’s ANRD denies coalition talks with APRC

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The Alliance for National Reorientation and Development of General Lamin Bojang has denied ever holding coalition talks with the APRC.  In a statement shared with The Standard, the party’s administrative secretary Momodou Jallow said ANRD is reacting to a recent claim by APRC official Dodou Jah accusing him of misleading the public by claiming that talks between the two parties had failed. The full statement reads: “It has come to the attention of ANRD Executive that during one of his recent media interviews the deputy spokesperson of APRC Dodou Jah alleged that ANRD’s conditions for possible alliance were not acceptable by the APRC and as a result APRC chose NPP. This statement by the Dodou Jah of APRC is false and misleading. The ANRD wants to bring to the notice of the general public that APRC and ANRD’s meeting came at the requests of APRC and again, the only meeting that was held and attended by 4 members of APRC and 3 from ANRD did not discuss any conditions or arrangements of a coalition, rather it was an introductory session where representatives met and discussed general issues. So for Dodou Jah to mention the name of General Bojang in his interview was a serious error on his side because the party leader of ANRD did not meet with any member of APRC to discuss any possible coalition.

The ANRD refutes this fake information by Mr Jah which is being circulated on social media. Mr Jah’s cheap reason to assure the followers of APRC of their alliance with NPP is unacceptable and his claims of an alliance talk with our party is misleading. Therefore, ANRD wishes to inform the general public that the statement by Dodou Jah was malicious and not realistic and also the ANRD or its leader General Lamin Satu Bojang did not at any time make such a statement.

The ANRD wishes APRC well for their alliance with NPP.  The ANRD, as a bonifide political party was registered to serve the interests of the Gambian people and is ready to ally with any party that has the people and the beloved country of ours, The Gambia at heart.” 

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