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City of Banjul
Saturday, July 27, 2024

GFA congratulates President-Elect Bassirou Diomaye Faye (Senegal amna ndaam)

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Dear Editor,

The Gambia For All party sends warm congratulations to President-Elect Bassirou Diomaye Faye, and the people of the sister republic of Senegal, on the recently held presidential election.

We believe that the special relationship that exists between our two countries, which is guaranteed by our common heritage and unique geography, will be further enhanced under the new dispensation.

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The March 24th elections, held as they were, confirms your country’s reputation as a beacon of hope for democratic governance, in a sub-region that has had more than its fair share of political instability.

Despite the enormous stress placed on the system, Senegalese institutions have largely held, delivering what has been generally acclaimed as a transparent, free and fair election. This is a lesson that is relevant to many in our sub-region. Long live Senegal and The Gambia.

GFA Communications

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Na-Jonka House, Kanifing South

Hearty congratulations to Bassirou Diomaye Faye, President-elect of Senegal

Dear Editor,

The United Democratic Party (UDP) presents its compliments to the Office of the President-elect, His Excellency Bassirou Diomaye Faye. On behalf of the National Executive Committee, the Central Committee, the entire membership of the UDP and indeed on my behalf I write to express my warmest congratulations on your historic victory. In the same vein, I wish to congratulate all the presidential candidates for graciously conceding your victory.

The Senegalese people have once again not only demonstrated their political maturity and determination to safeguard their constitutional democracy but also have shown the world that peaceful transfer of power is possible through the ballot in Africa.

As a pan-African Party, UDP recognises your election as a win for democracy and a victory for the people. We celebrate the great achievements of Pastef and hereby salute the courage and sacrifice of Mr Ousmane Sonko. We in The Gambia and the UDP, in particular, pray for your success. May Allah grant you the wisdom and courage to rise to the occasion and fulfill the hopes and aspirations of your compatriots.

Your success will inspire many people across the continent and the world. Finally, UDP acknowledges President Macky Sall’s decision to accept the ruling of the Constitutional Council to hold elections on 24th March 2024.

ANM Ousainu Darboe

Secretary general and party leader

Disrespectful and unfounded

Dear Editor,

While extending our congratulations to the newly elected President of Senegal, it’s disappointing to note the disparaging remarks aimed at our president by the chairman of Brikama Area Council, when he was conveying his congratulatory message to President-elect Faye. His criticisms and castigation of President Adama Barrow are both disrespectful and unfounded. Such behavior towards the President only serves to sow a seed of discord.

Painting His Excellency President Barrow as a tyrant is baseless and false. The president has recently been recognised and awarded as one of the most peaceful presidents on the African continent. This is a clear testament to his commitment to stability and good governance. His legacy will be judged on his adherence to the rule of law and democratic principles, not baseless accusations.

As Winston Churchill, the great British prime minister, once said, “jaw jaw is better than war war”. It is through dialogue and cooperation that we can resolve our differences and move forward as a united nation. I urge the chairman of Brikama Area Council to refrain from treating His Excellency, The President, with utter contempt and disdain. The chairman of Brikama Area Council should instead focus on constructive engagement and how to provide the very basic things for the people of West Coast Region. Let us work together towards a future of peace, prosperity, and unity, not to be starting a fight in an empty building. The great people of West Coast Region do not deserve such a personality.

Sulayman Camara

NPP Media and Communication Secretary

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