25.2 C
City of Banjul
Friday, July 26, 2024


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Gambia Football Federation presidential aspirant Sadibu Kamaso yesterday made a video to try to put to bed allegations that he corruptly declared money entrusted to him lost while on a GFF mission to Angola.

In the video Kamaso described the allegations as not only false but also a calculated attempt to stain his name for political reasons. “Smear campaign against me will not work because am even more resolved today than before to go on with my agenda to change Gambian football for the better,” he said.

According to Kamaso, the incident happened in 2019 while he was sent as advanced party to Angola. He said when he got there he realised that the $25,000 given to him for payments of logistics was missing. ”I frankly don’t know how I lost the money but I immediately called my superiors at Football House about the incident and stated my intention to pay the lost money to the GFF which I have been doing by installment. An enquiry was set up in the matter and I had already paid up D600,000 before being told that the balance had been waived. I have receipts for all that. I think what happened to me could happen to anyone. No one ever knows me for being dishonest and so it is not surprising that I even continue to be entrusted with similar missions by the GFF,” Kamaso said. The Hawks FC secretary general also explained that those who know him can vouch for his honesty, love for and assistance to Gambian football. “So I think it will be too cheap for anyone to take the lost money incident as a tool to spread unfounded malicious allegations just to try to make me look funny or discredited,” he said.

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