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City of Banjul
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Letters to the Editor

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VP Lawyer Ousainu Darboe: High expectations

Dear editor,

It is an irrefutable fact that up until the latest cabinet reshuffle, things were not moving in the country – or if they had been, it was a snail’s pace. It is also possible that that was one of the reasons of the reshuffle. Let’s see.
Another irrefutable fact is that Lawyer Ousainu Darboe has the knowledge, expertise, experience and patriotism to inject new enthusiasm in the government. He has what it takes to lead the cabinet and wake them up from their slumber, if they needed any waking up that is.

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The vice presidency is the second highest office in the land and it is thus the second most important office. In our system of government, the vice president is the one who deputizes for the president in his absence; or, in the case of the president being incapacitated, s/he picks up the baton to finish the race.

It is the vice president who, on behalf of the president, answers questions at the National Assembly. Thus, the vice president has a very crucial role to play in the nation’s development agenda.

Besides, the vice president is like a captain of a football team and the president like the manager of the team. Thus, it is the vice president who will be in the field with the players – in his case, the ministers. It is the zeal, enthusiasm and leadership of the vice president that will give impetus to the ministers to function well.

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After the swearing-in of Hon. Ousainu Darboe to the vice presidency, there is renewed hope in the government; hope that there will be changes and that things will pick up quickly. And, by God, we need that. Gambians have waited long to see the anticipated changes that will ease their difficulties.

The few times that I have met Lawyer Ousainu Darboe, I have observed him to be very knowledgeable, experienced; yet very humble. On his patriotism and total commitment to the advancement of this country, I need not belabour that point. The man is a symbol of patriotism, having lived his entire life struggling for a free, democratic and developed Gambia.

I therefore, expect that Hon. Darboe will pick up the pace and nudge the members of the team (ministers) to hurry as time is of the essence. We are very close to completing the first two years of this government and not much to show for it. Yet.

The appointment of Lawyer Ousainu Darboe to the vice presidency can have other benefits for your presidency; for, now – with the close proximity – you will have the chance to seek his advice on many issues considering that he has a wealth of experience in many areas of expertise.

Besides, Lawyer Ousainu Darboe is a walking constitution who knows the law of the land to his fingertips. He can as such guide you through many a mazy situation concerning the law and its applicability.

All in all, my hopes have been raised by his appointment. I thus want to remind him (Darboe) that we are watching with very high expectations indeed. Congratulations Hon. Ousainu Darboe!

Musa Bah
Nusrat SSS

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