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City of Banjul
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Letters to the Editor

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Re: UDP’s Taal says Barrow’s people have one objective: ‘destroy UDP’

Dear Editor,

Why didn’t The Standard mention the bank account of Alagie Conteh that is frozen by Adama Barrow earlier for refusing to join his National People’s Party that compelled Mr Conteh to declare his allegiance to the NPP. What a miserable script!

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And to the United Democratic Party executive, just keep merely casting blames on Adama Barrow and his NPP without taking any action for the oppression of your party. Time will tell.

Modou Lamin Darboe


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Dear Editor,

The United Democratic Party should have invited all the other political parties to get rid of Barrow. It is their fault that we are in the predicament we are in today. Imagine Senegalese football players in Afcon boarding their national plane while our players remained stranded in Cameroon for days. We have an incompetent government full of people who are not patriotic. My advice to the UDP is, start engaging all the political parties otherwise your party will be dead! Mark my words. I did advise one UDP political party member before the election to get his party to invite all political parties but he ignored me and see what happened. To be arrogant is not good. One has to humble oneself before God.

Nabou Njie

London, UK

Dear Editor,

The NPP does not need to destroy the UDP. The trend of Gambian politics post-independence is that the governing party like a blue whale swallows all the other smaller political parties. Jawara’s PPP destroyed United Party and other dibi dibi parties. APRC reduced PPP to a dibi dibi party. Barrow will win the next election if he stands in five years and UDP without a leader like Ousainu Darboe will end up being a dibi dibi party. Even the NPP, once it is defeated, it will become a dibi dibi party because our parties depend solely on their leaders who when they go down, their parties sink with them. Without Hamat Bah there is no NRP, without Henry Gomez there is no GPDP, without Jammeh there is no APRC, without Darboe there is no UDP, without Mamma Kandeh there is no GDC and without Barrow there will be no more NPP.

Uztaz Malik Mbaye


Re: Why do we have to renew our driver’s licences every year?

Dear Editor,

It’s all about the money. Government is broke and needs to generate income, so it resorts to this nonsense. And the saddest part is that both the car registration and driver’s licences expire on 31st December of each year, even if one acquired any one of them on 30th December. I was thinking even if they are going to continue this outrageous process of every year renewal, why can’t the expiration be the same date of the following year instead of the whole country renewing registration and driver’s licences at the same time?

Gassama Gassama

New York, USA

Dear Editor,

In the United States, we do it on average every five years. The Gambia can transition to at least every two years for each individual driver. All the driver’s licences do not have to expire on the same date. 

Bakary Manneh


Dear Editor,

Shortest validity period ever! So annoying and frustrating to spend a whole day standing under the burning sun, and one has to go through this process every year. Imagine the pain. The government should review this rule and make it at least five years and if impossible, make it last 10 years like in other countries.

Pacifique Basirwe

Kombo Veterinary Services

Dear Editor,

The renewing of driver’s licences every year has been with us since colonial days. It is now time to change this system. Whenever you go to renew your licence the office is overcrowded. They should decentralise the system by opening more offices throughout the country.

Pa Louis Gomez


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