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Friday, July 26, 2024

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

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Parliamentary elections will be another thrashing for the opposition 

Dear Editor,

I was convinced that President Barrow was going to win the presidential election. And I’m more than convinced that he’ll scoop the parliamentary elections. President Barrow won the presidential election because the opposition refused to form a coalition and the electoral register was overly inflated.

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The supreme court refused to open up the petition against the presidential election results and the allegations of election fraud malpractices.

If I were the leader of the UDP, I will boycott the parliamentary elections for  obvious reasons. I wouldn’t take part in a futile political exercise the outcome of which has already been decided.

At least some of the smarter NAMs like Madi Ceesay have realised that it’s a losing battle and they have thrown in the towel.

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Politics is not fun – the excitable wannabe politicians putting themselves up in the parliamentary elections are only going to give legitimacy to the most abhorrent, deceitful, corrupt and incompetent president and government ever in the history of The Gambia.

If I were the leader of the UDP, I’d have reached out to the GDC and stage a boycott of the parliamentary elections. Whoever wants to contest the parliamentary elections has the freedom and choice but the UDP and the third opposition sitting out the elections would have been my position.

There are no easy solutions to fixing the broken and dysfunctional democratic politics in The Gambia.

The lack of capacity and competency in politics and economics have made it very difficult to rearrange democratic politics and economics in The Gambia on the informed and standardised democratic culture.

President Barrow is the president of The Gambia today to the disapproval of most Gambians because the Gambian democracy is disorganised, misinformed and misled.

Taking part in the parliamentary elections will only make that worse.

I’d have taken a confrontational political position and forced the government to a more acceptable political governance standards in The Gambia.

Well that’s if there’s credible political leadership, credible democratic ideas and policies within the opposition!

Yusupha ‘Major’ Bojan


Editor’s note: Madi Ceesay, NAM for Serekunda West, has rescinded his decision and announced he will contest the 9th April NA election.

Re: Government pleads for ‘patience’ in teachers strike

Dear Editor,

Just educate me. How does government ‘owe teachers’ when they don’t owe a dime to government officials who are closer to them. I mean the pen pushers in air-conditioned offices. I was a teacher and I am aware of the awesome responsibilities of teachers. I’ve also sat pen pushing in air-conditioned offices. The difference is stark. Pay the damn teachers WITH interest. Some of your weekly per diems are more than some teachers’ monthly salaries.

Jallow Mathew


Re: Ministers clash over Germany ‘deportation agreement’

Dear Editor,

Gambia! When the system is rotten everywhere becomes fishy. That’s what we are all witnessing from the clueless government.  We warned you several times about Barrow and his government but you gave a deaf ear and a blind eye and re-elected them based on hate and bigotry. Now this is what we are facing in this country. You shall reap what you sow, more to come.

Now that the people involved in the signing of the deportation agreement are known, where are those bigots who were accusing Ousainu Darboe for it? Shame on you haters and God shall deal with you insh’Allah. The crooks involved are here pointing fingers at one another. Hate has consumed some Gambians out of no reason!

Modou Lamin Darboe


Dear Editor,

I now agree that we have a caretaker aka wachimano (watchman) government.

Many celebrated the victory of Adama Barrow not because they love or trust him but…

Barrow used our money for political inducement expecting EU congratulatory messages and possibly more money as it happened in 2016. Unfortunately for him, that didn’t happen. It is painful but Barrow is out of option! He can only make use of the natural resources [undocumented migrants] in Germany.

Technically, the undocumented Gambians are the only “natural resources” available for the Barrow government to function. So what do you expect Gambia?

Ironically, Adama Barrow is the real peacemakers. His incompetence will force us to put our differences aside and put national interest in the forefront.

Lamin Gambia

‘Independent Researcher’

Dear Editor,

This is a shame and a mockery to the ordinary Gambian people. These ministers should resign if they have any integrity. Believe me, this government will force a popular uprising if they are not careful with the way they take Gambians for fools. This information that they are giving to the citizens is too cheap to swallow. Why does the government think that ordinary citizens are so stupid that they could just lie in their face and that’s acceptable.

Gilbert Jassey


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