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City of Banjul
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

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Is this the GFF we need?

Dear Editor,

Is there any hope for the future of football in The Gambia with the footballing body we have? A big NO for me because we need a body that will be corruption free.

The GFF and its president are not helping our football and needs to be voted out and these are few reasons why:

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o          We were fined US$10,000 in our Afcon qualification game against Algeria in 2019 due to selling more tickets than the actual stadium capacity all due to corruption.

o          The Goal Project with all what they said they have spent and what you see is totally rubbish.

o          Fifa gave us more than US$9,000,000 to refurbish and rebuild our stadia but yet still the works are in limbo.

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How can we move with this nga hamneh leka haliss rek lenj fii nekeh body? We need people of timbre and calibre who understand football to step up and run for the GFF positions and help revive our football.

There was no nawettan football last year and in all likelihood there will be none this year as well due to the bad and incomplete state of football grounds and stadia in the country. Nawettan football was used to develop the league because every year you will see about ten good players from each zone joining league 1 and 2 teams respectively.

If we want to be a good footballing nation we need to support and build our grassroots football.

Saderr Cham

New Jeshwang

Re: NAM Jawara cautions members against politicising Ecomig issue

Dear Editor,

Your reporter Tabora Bojang reported that Tallinding National Assembly Member, Fatoumatta Jawara, has cautioned her fellow members against “misguiding Gambian security forces” about the presence of Senegalese soldiers in the country.

I am also cautioning Honourable Jawara to resign from her position and join an English proficiency course so as to improve her skills in communication, and then she can recontest for the parliamentary seat counting on my support.

Musa Touray

Basse Santo Su

Dear Editor,

The points of Honourable Fatoumatta Touray are bogus. The Hon Saho only asked for their withdrawal but not the break of ties between The Gambia and Senegal. Aside from that, Senegal must respect The Gambia as a sovereign state but not look low upon The Gambia in any way.

Bakary Dibba


Dear Editor,

So Honourable Jawara wants to tell us that The Gambia was rescued by Senegal? So is it good for The Gambia to be ruled by Senegal? I totally disagree with Honourable Jawara. Honourable Jawara will say what she said because she is enjoying the D20,000 sitting allowance at the parliament. That’s why she is not feeling the pain Gambians are feeling. Because for just five sittings, she receives a D100,000 allowance. Can you believe it!

Saikou Gibson


Russia must desist from invading Ukraine for the sake of world peace

Dear Editor,

As the tension between Russia and Ukraine escalates, the UN Security Council continues to exhaust all diplomatic channels for a peaceful resolution to the existing conflict. The Council yesterday engaged member states in constructive and meaningful dialogue for de-escalation.

The Security Council urges parties and actors involved in the conflict to respect international law and the UN Charter in particular as states are obliged to fulfil their international obligations under the UN Charter.

In the course of the debate, a member state argued that sWhen things fall apart you usually take a step back to look at what went wrong and to learn from past mistakes. Or, as in the case with France in the Sahel, you take a step back and then you move south to new partner states who are willing to host your troops.

While this is a provocative and simplified reflection on the French President’s announcement of French troops’ withdrawal from Mali, it still mirrors what seems to be a missed opportunity for a deeply needed “lessons learned” moment.

Three lessons in particular seem to be of importance: First, it is central to have a feasible strategy and a clear objective. Second, communicating that strategy effectively is essential to get popular support at home and abroad. Third, if you decide to engage and collaborate with leaders who have come to power by bending or ignoring the rules, chances are that they will not respect your strategy.

The French President’s announcement that French and European troops would withdraw from Mali came as no surprise to observers of the unfolding diplomatic crisis between the two countries. The relations have deteriorated gradually over the past few years, starting well before the first of two successive coups in Mali, yet the speed has increased considerably during the past four weeks.

The Malian transitional authorities’ show of force whereby they publicly prohibited the Danish contingent from integrating into Taskforce Takuba resulted in a very undiplomatic, war of words, which took an abrupt turn as the French ambassador was expelled from Mali.

While this diplomatic show-down took place, the region witnessed yet another military coup – this time in Burkina Faso – a state which has suffered 7 coups and 4 coup attempts since independence, underlining the heavily tilted civil-military balance in the region and the fact that stability – however it is defined – is far from being achieved.

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