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City of Banjul
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Letters to the Editor

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Open Letter to Amie Bensouda…

Dear Lawyer Bensouda,

During Yahya Jammeh’s 22 years reign of terror, we have also observed that his close associates had no shortage of tactics in order to bully, intimidate and silence their real or perceived competitors.
Both Muhammed Bazzi and Amadou Samba had invoked their close relation with the former dictator to advance their business empower ranging from fuel and cement importation exclusivity to sand mining activities, among others, at tremendous expense to Gambians.

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Today’s fiery but futile attempt at the Janneh Commission by Lawyer Mary Samba to discredit your reputation or undercut your probing expertise is an extension of the same old tactics as part of a broader conspiratorial venture hatched by those whose personal liberty and ill-gotten wealth potentially hang in the balance.
Since the beginning of this inquiry, false claims were making rounds in newspapers and elsewhere just to cast doubt about your competence and impartiality and Mary Samba’s emotionally charged action this morning further shed light on this joint frustrated efforts.

Despite their nefarious or mischievous machinations to render this Commission toothless, you have stood your ground and your responses have not only been stellar but rooted in clear conviction, knowledge, wisdom and courage. You are a consummate professional with unassailable reputation and an abiding passion for truth and accountability.

We would like to assure you of our appreciation for your candor and diligence in the execution of your responsibilities and hope that you will never give in to the blackmail and caricature.

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Zakaria Kemo Konteh
Queens, USA

The irreparable damage and regrettable
removal of Hon. Mai Ahmad Fatty

When Hon. Fatty of the ministry of interior was “removed” and redeployed in a ‘foreign mission’, rumors flared like wildfire as to what must have warranted this unceremonious event. There were all kinds of allegations labeled against him, some called him corrupt and tribal, others believed he was removed because of his calling in of opposition party leaders for questioning and others simply had nothing to say but literally waiting for Mai’s reaction.

These speculations and fabricated lies against him clouded the minds and senses of those who loved him and wanted to see him succeed as the interior minister at this very crucial stage of our nation’s security when the country narrowly escaped the most threatening political chaos with a potential to escalate into civil strive and possible civil war after deposing the dictatorship. Those who harbor hate and disgust for this very ambitious lawyer turned politician began celebrating the downfall of one of the Gambia’s most charismatic, dedicated and young politicians. The damage was done and it was irreparable, no matter how many executives of the coalition tries to redeem the former minister of interior. He was crucified on the cross of hate and sentenced without ever standing before any court of law.

As we tried to figure out what was the reason for his removal from the Interior ministry to an undisclosed foreign mission, a report emanated from an online paper supposedly shedding light on the dark cloud of rumor that appeared to be settling down comfortably with the population. According to this paper, the Hon minister was involved in a corruption scandal where was believed to amassed 15million dalasi and this according to the paper came from an ‘INSIDER’.

I was shocked and angry but I doubted the veracity of this story though I have no reason not to believe the paper that published the story. I just could not connect Mai Fatty that I knew, met and discussed with him in Stockholm City on matters related to our liberation and plans to rebuild this country to an economic crime of such a magnitude and proportion. The next day the airwaves across this tiny nation bombarded us with this unsubstantiated, unfounded and malicious story.

In response to the ‘Insider’ story, Hon. Fatty came out to clear his name against the paper’s damaging and irresponsible character assassination story. He made it clear to all that he did nothing wrong and took no money from the company mentioned by the paper. I believed the Hon. former minister of interior that he was innocent of the crime labeled against him.

I believed him because I know that had Mai committed any economic crime, OUSAINOU DARBOE would not have the Foreign ministry doors wide open for him to walk, no matter what,
I believe that Mai being a lawyer, a competent one for that matter but for security matters as sensitive as that of ours, Mai maybe be better at somewhere else not the internal security. Security matters of this country, at this time needs to be under the purview of a seasoned, experienced military personal, Police, Navy or Intelligence.

In as much as we would like to see Mai succeed, I believe a RIGHT PORTFOLIO was handed to the wrong person. I believe this is what the EXECUTIVES realized and therefore had no choice but to remove him and deploy him somewhere, in this case to a foreign mission.
Keep Hope Alive

Kebba Samuel Sanneh

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