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Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Muhammad (sa): The Great Exemplar

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Friday Sermon delivered at Masjid Mubarak, Islamabad, Tilford, UK

“Life of the Holy Prophet (sa) – Events Prior to the Battle of Uhud and Prayers for Palestine and the Way Forward?

After reciting Tashahhud, Ta`awwuz and Surah al-Fatihah, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad(aba) said that he had been mentioning incidents pertaining to the Battle of Uhud.

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The Holy Prophet(sa) Interpretation of the Dream Regarding the Battle

His Holiness(aba) quoted Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad(ra), the Second Caliph who wrote about the factors leading to the Battle of Uhud, stemming from the defeat suffered by the Makkans and Badr. Upon learning that the Makkans had prepared an army of about 3,000 soldiers, the Holy Prophet(sa) consulted in Madinah as to what should be done. The Holy Prophet?s (sa) own opinion was that they should remain in Madinah and weather any attack from there. However, young men who had not participated in the Battle of Badr were eager to go out and fight, and so recommended that the Muslims army should leave Madinah and meet the Makkan army in the battlefield. The Holy Prophet(sa) also related a dream in which he saw a cow being slaughtered, which he took to mean that some of his Companions would be martyred. He also saw the tip of his sword breaking, which he interpreted to mean either those close to him enduring loss, or that he himself would endure some injury. The Holy Prophet(sa) also saw that he placed his hand in armour, which he took to mean that it would be better for them to remain in Madinah. However, since the explanation of this dream had not been revealed and was the Holy Prophet?s (sa) own interpretation, he accepted the opinion of the majority and agreed to set out from Madinah with the Muslim army.

His Holiness(aba) presented a quote of the Promised Messiah(as) in which he explained that often, prophets see dreams or visions which apparently seem to be one thing, but are actually indicative of something else. Another example would be the Holy Prophet(sa) apparently seeing in a dream that he was wearing two gold bangles which actually referred to two false claimants to prophethood. Hence, it is not out of the ordinary for prophets to use similitudes or metaphorical language.

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Advice of The Holy Prophet(sa) and Preparation for the Battle

His Holiness(aba) said that before departing, the Holy Prophet(sa) advised the companions that if they remained patient, then they would attain victory. Thereafter, the Holy Prophet(sa) instructed the Muslims to prepare for battle, and the Holy Prophet(sa) also made his preparations. When the Holy Prophet(sa) came out wearing two layers of armour, with his sword hanging on his back. The Holy Prophet(sa) rode his horse named Saqab. Upon emerging from his home, the Holy Prophet(sa) was informed that Malik bin Amr Najjari had passed away. Hence, before departing for Uhud, the Holy Prophet(sa) led his funeral prayer.

Consultation and Decision for Battle

His Holiness(aba) said that before departing, the people went to the Holy Prophet(sa) and said that their intention had not been to oppose his opinion, and if he felt that they should remain in Madinah then they would remain in Madinah. The Holy Prophet(sa) responded that it did not behove of a prophet to remove his armour until God had decided between him and the enemy, in other words until there was a battle. His Holiness(aba) quoted Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad(ra) who writes, „The Holy Prophet(sa) retired to his residence, where he tied his turban, put on his equipment and took his arms with the assistance of Hazrat Abu Bakr(ra) and Hazrat „Umar(ra), and came out in the name of Allah.

However, during this time, due to the admonishment of Sa„d bin Mu„adh(ra), chief of the Aus tribe and other prominent companions, the party of young men began to realise their mistake; in that they should not have insisted upon their own opinion in opposition to the view of God?s Messenger, and most of them were now inclined towards remorse.

When these people saw the Holy Prophet(sa) coming with his arms, clad in double the armour, and his helmet, etc., their regret grew even more. They almost unanimously submitted, “O Messenger of Allah! We have committed a mistake in insisting upon our own view over your own. You should employ whatever strategy you deem most appropriate. God-willing, it shall be most blessed.” The Holy

Prophet(sa) said,

“It does not befit a Prophet of God to put on his arms and then lay them down before God issues forth a verdict.” So go forth now, in the name of Allah and if you are steadfast, then be certain that the succour of Allah the Exalted shall be with you.”?

(The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets (sa), Vol. 2, pp. 324325)

The Three Flags of the Muslims

His Holiness(aba) said that the Holy Prophet(sa) had three flags prepared; one was given to Usaid bin Hudair(ra), another was given to Habbad bin Mundhir(ra) and the third was given to Hazrat Ali(ra). The Holy Prophet(sa) mounted his horse and set out. It is recorded that on that day the Muslims had two horses, one belonging to the Holy Prophet(sa) and the other belonging to Hazrat Burdhah(ra). His

Holiness(aba) quoted Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad(ra) who writes,

„After this, the Holy Prophet(sa) instructed that three flags be prepared for the Muslim army. The flag of the Aus tribe was entrusted to Usaid bin Al-Hudair(ra), the flag of the Khazraj tribe was entrusted to Habbab bin Mundhir(ra), and the flag of the Muhajirin was entrusted to Hazrat

„Ali(ra). Then, after appointing „Abdullah bin Ummi Maktum(ra) as the

Imamus-Salat in Madinah and observing „Asr Salat, the Holy Prophet(sa) set out from Madinah with a large community of the companions. The chieftains of the Aus and Khazraj tribe, Sa„d bin Mu„adh(ra) and Sa„d bin „Ubadah(ra) proceeded along, running slowly, just ahead of the mount of the Holy Prophet(sa), and the rest of the companions moved forward- positioned to the right, left and behind the Holy Prophet(sa).?

(The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets (sa), Vol. 2, pp. 324325)

The Passion of Young Men to Join the Muslim Army

His Holiness(aba) said that upon reaching a place called Shaikhain, the

Holy Prophet(sa) halted in order to inspect the army. If the Holy Prophet(sa) determined someone was under the age of 14 or 15, he sent them back to Madinah. It is recorded that there were 17 such eager youngsters who were sent back. One of the youngsters was named Rafi, and it was pointed out to the Holy Prophet(sa) that he was a skilled archer, and so the Holy Prophet(sa) permitted him to remain with the army. However, Samurah, another youngster, spoke up saying that he was stronger than Rafi. The Holy Prophet(sa) said that the two should have a wrestling bout, and so they did in which Samurah was victorious. As a result, the Holy Prophet(sa) allowed both Rafi and Samuarh to remain with the Muslim army.

His Holiness(aba) quoted Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad(ra) who writes, „The mountain of Uhud is situated approximately three miles to the north of Madinah. At the half-way mark, at a place known as „Shaikhain,? the Holy Prophet(sa) halted and ordered an inspection of the Muslim army. Minors who had come along in their eagerness to participate in Jihad were sent back. Accordingly, „Abdullah bin „Umar(ra), Usamah bin Zaid(ra) and Abu Sa„id Khudri(ra), among others, were all sent back. Rafi„ bin Khadij(ra) was also the same age as these children, but possessed great skill in archery. Due to this quality of his, his father interceded on his behalf before the Holy Prophet(sa) so that he may be permitted to participate in this Jihad. When the Holy Prophet(sa) lifted his sights towards Rafi„, he took a firm stance at attention in the likeness of warriors, so that he could appear strong and tall. As such, this plan succeeded and the Holy Prophet(sa) granted him permission to ride along. Upon this, another child by the name of Samurah bin Jundub(ra), who had been ordered to return, went to his father and said, “If Rafi„ has been granted permission, then I should be permitted as well, because I am stronger than Rafi„ and can put him down in a bout of wrestling.” The father was overjoyed at the sincerity of his son; both father and son presented themselves before the Holy Prophet(sa) and the father presented the desire of his son. The Holy Prophet(sa) smiled and said, “Alright then, let Rafi„ and Samurah wrestle one another, so that we may determine who is the stronger of the two.” Thus, the competition took place; Samurah(ra) took hold of Rafi„(ra) and threw him to the ground in an instant. The Holy Prophet(sa) granted Samurah(ra) permission to come along as well and this innocent child was delighted. Now that evening had arrived, Bilal(ra) called the Adhan, and all of the companions offered their Salat behind the Holy Prophet(sa). Then, the Muslims set up camp for the night at this very place. The Holy Prophet(sa) appointed Muhammad bin Maslamah(ra) to arrange security for the night; alongside a group of fifty companions he circled the Muslim army and stood guard all night long.?

(The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets (sa), Vol. 2, pp. 325326)

Chief of the Hypocrites Betrays the Muslims

His Holiness(aba) further quoted Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad(ra) who writes,

„The following day, on the 15th of Shawwal 3 A.H. or the 31st of March 624 A.D. on Saturday, before dawn, the Muslim army marched forward and offering their Salat en-route, reached the foot of mount

Uhud at the start of the morning. It was on this occasion that the evil „Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Sulul, chief of the hypocrites betrayed the

Muslims, and separating himself along with 300 followers, returned to Madinah saying, “Muhammad(sa) did not pay heed to my advice, and being swayed by inexperienced youngsters has come out of Madinah. Hence, I cannot remain with him and fight.” Some people admonished him of their own accord, saying that such betrayal was uncalled for, but he would not have it, and continued to retort, “If this was a battle I too would have taken part, but this is not battle, it is suicide.” Now all that remained of the Muslim army was 700 souls, which was even less than a quarter of the 3,000 warriors of the Quraish. Furthermore, with respect to mounts and equipment of war as well, the Muslim army was very weak and insignificant in comparison to the army of the Quraish. The Muslim army only had a hundred men clad in mail, and a meagre two horses. By comparison, the disbelieving army boasted 700 men clad in mail, 200 horses, and 3,000 camels. In this state of weakness, which was strongly felt by the Muslims, the treachery of „Abdullah bin Ubayy?s 300 men, had created a state of restlessness and anxiety in the hearts of various weak- hearted Muslims, some of whom began to lose courage. Hence, as mentioned in the Holy Qur?an, in this very state of distress and anxiety, two tribes from among the Muslims, the Banu Harithah and Banu Salamah, had even planned to return to Madinah, but since their hearts still possessed the light of faith, they managed to compose themselves. As far as apparent means were concerned, even as death stared them in the eye, they did not leave the side of their Master.?

(The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets (sa), Vol. 2, pp. 326327)

The Holy Prophet(sa) Addresses the Muslims on the Mountain of Uhud

His Holiness(aba) said that upon arriving at Uhud, the Holy Prophet (sa) arranged the army in a manner whereby the Uhud mountain was towards the rear and the Muslims were facing in the direction of Madinah. On this occasion, the Holy Prophet(sa) addressed the Muslims as they stared down the Makkans. After leading the morning prayer, the Holy Prophet(sa) enjoined the Muslims to adhere to the commandments revealed by God and abstain from that which He has forbidden. He enjoined the Muslims saying that they would have to remain patient in the mission for which they had set out. He also instructed that they must adhere to whatever he commanded and there should be no disobedience. One who abstains from that which is forbidden solely for the sake of God, then their sins will be forgiven. One who sends salutations upon the Holy Prophet(sa) once, the angels would send salutations upon him ten times. In essence, the Holy Prophet(sa) provided comprehensive guidance to the Muslims. The Holy

Prophet(sa) said that a believer is like the head of a body; if the head is in pain then the entire body feels it. His Holiness(aba) said that if Muslims today realised this then opponents would not dare attack them in any way.

His Holiness(aba) said that he would continue mentioning these details in the future.

Appeal for Prayers for Palestinians and Solution to End these Cruelties

His Holiness(aba) again urged continued prayers for the Palestinians. In recent days, after the pause in fighting ended, exactly what was expected is taking place now. The Israeli government is bombarding and attacking every part of Gaza with even greater force than before. More innocent children are being martyred. Now, even a Jewish representative of Congress in the United States has said that this is enough and that the United States must play its part in bringing this to an end. The President of the United States is also saying in hidden terms that this firing must end which is taking place in the North and the South simultaneously. Before it used to be said that nothing would be done in the South yet there are now attacks there too. We should not make the mistake of thinking that the words of the American President are not the result of any sort of compassion for humanity, rather these words are for his own benefit, seeing as elections are coming up in the United States, and the younger population is calling for a ceasefire, as are Muslim Americans. Hence all this is being done to win votes, otherwise there is no compassion for Palestinians or Muslims.

His Holiness(aba) said that the voices of Muslim countries are beginning to gain some strength, however until they unite and call for a ceasefire, there will be no benefit. May Allah establish unity among Muslims.

His Holiness(aba) said that the non-Muslim world knows that there is no unity in the Muslim world, rather Muslims are killing each other. Thousands of children and innocent people are being killed at the hands of Muslims. This emboldens non-Muslims, who think that it is fine to inflict cruelties on Muslims, seeing as they inflict cruelties on themselves. When Muslims do not care for the lives of Muslims, then why would the enemy? God has strictly warned in the Qur?an against the taking of life of other Muslims, and has rendered a Muslim who does so to be hellbound. His Holiness(aba) prayed that Muslims unite and become a means of ending injustice rather than fighting amongst each other.

His Holiness(aba) said that the UN has tried raising its voice, but who listens to them? They say this will do this and that, but they cannot do anything because there is no one who listens to them. The major powers exert their rights. His Holiness(aba) prayed that may Allah have mercy upon the Muslims.

His Holiness(aba) said that in order to end these cruelties, we must pray while also calling on politicians to raise their voices to end these injustices. Similarly, we must convey the same message among our contacts. His Holiness(aba) prayed that may Allah save the innocent from injustices. Funeral Prayers

His Holiness(aba) said that he would leave the funeral prayers in absentia of the following:

Masooda Begum wife of the late Abdul Hakim Akmal who was a missionary. She was the granddaughter of companions of the Promised Messiah(as). She served alongside her husband for a long time in Holland. Due to her husband being posted to serve outside of the country, she spent a total of 15 years away from her husband. She was the first National President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Women?s Association Holland. She possessed many virtuous qualities. She is survived by three sons and a daughter, all of whom are serving the community in one way or another. His Holiness(aba) prayed that may Allah grant her forgiveness and mercy and enable her children to carry on the legacy of her virtues.

Master Abdul Majid who was a life-devotee and was a professor at Talimul Islam College. He moved to Canada after his retirement which is where he had been residing. He is survived by his wife, three sons and two daughters. He possessed many great qualities. He was an angelic personality as attested to by his wife. He had an ardent desire to devote his life for the service of Islam and he prayed a great deal for this. He would always offer financial contributions before spending on anything else. He taught his children to offer prayers on time and to maintain a relationship with the Caliph. His Holiness(aba) said that he was a student when he was a professor, and attested to the fact that all the virtues that his son described truly existed within him. He also had a profound impact on non-Ahmadis who respected him a great deal, despite the fact that he was an Ahmadi. He was always proudest of his students who went on to become life-devotees. His Holiness(aba) prayed that may Allah grant him forgiveness and mercy, elevate his station, and enable his children to carry on the legacy of his virtues.

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