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City of Banjul
Friday, July 26, 2024

Philanthropist donates to sponsored students

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By Aminata Kuyateh

Dinding Yiriwa Federation, a non-profitable organisation affiliated to Child Fund-The Gambia has recently distributed 35, 600 exercise books to their sponsored students in Kombo south and north.
The distribution, according to officials of the federation is just one among many interventions that the federation has partaken over the years.
The officials further disclosed that more than 4000 children are benefiting from the sponsorship from nursery to university level.


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Dinding Yiriwa Federation, a household name in Kombo South and North due to its valuable contribution in the areas of education, health and skills development.
The federation is covering 10 community associations, 5 from Kombo North and 5 in South.
The Manager Dinding Yiriwa Federation Alieu Mendy said the purpose of the distribution of exercise books is to help the parents in their pursuit to help their children attain quality education.

He said the donation of books will not only reduce the burden on their parents, but it serves as motivation for the children, “because they will feel motivated if they realise that someone out there cares.”
“Our intervention is to also contribute our effort to their educational development, thus to contribute in national development,” he said.

He said the federation support focuses mainly on depriving, excluded and vulnerable families by ensuring that the health of infants (0-5 years) and their parents are taken care of, “by providing support in the areas of education for children (6-14) years by helping their parents to meet their school bills and skill training for youth from (15-24) years.”

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He said all this support is also geared towards empowering children to be better people in the future.
“Initially we used to pay their school fees, but since the government declared free education, we now focus on their economic empowerment by providing them with revolving loans, to expand their families’ economic status,” he said.

He challenged the beneficiaries to be communicating to their sponsors at all times, “because they are the people who are offering the little they have to support them, what they need is recognition and information.”
“Communication is really lacking and I want to urge the parents and beneficiaries to communicate with their donors frequently to show them their appreciation,” he said.
The federation accountant Lamin Ceesay said their aim is to empower these children by helping them to have access to quality and affordable education.

The books, he said will help the beneficiaries in addressing their educational problems.
Banna Darboe of Janbanjalley said the federation since inception has sponsored hundreds of children in their community.

“We now have some of the sponsored children at the University of The Gambia and some are now working with various offices in the country and outside,” she explained.
She commended the federation for the support they are rendering to the people of her community and hopes that it will continue.

Meanwhile, the rep Side Committee Cluster 4, Janbanjalley Buba Barrow said the donation may be small in number, “but to the community of Janbanjelly it will tremendously contribute in helping their children attain quality education.”
The federation also held similar presentation in Banjulinding on the same day.

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